Chapter 15

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~Katlyn's P.O.V~

When I woke up I saw no Louis. I wonder where he went. I got up and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

I went down into the kitchen where I saw Louis over the stove. He didn't hear me come in. It's scaring time.

I slowly creeped up behind him.

"BOO!" I shouted causing him to jump. He turned around and held his hand to his heart.

"You scared the shit out of me" he said.

"Yeah whatever. What chu making?" I asked taking a seat at the counter.

"I made breakfast for you. Bacon and an omelet" he said. I smiled "this is a way for me to say I'm sorry. Cause I really am"

"Do you only make breakfast as a way to apologize. Cause this is the second time" I said chuckling.

He laughed. "Well I wasn't sure where I can take you or what I can buy you"

"Well it's cool. I love bacon!" I said smiling. He smiled and put a plate down in front of me. He took out another plate for himself and took a seat next to me.

We were talking and laughing about plans for today when a very groggy Anne trudged into the kitchen.

"Mornin babes" I said cheery. She groaned as a response. Typical Anne.

"You should really wake up. You have work today in about... 2 hours" I said. Her head shot up towards me.

"Shitshitshitshitshit forgot I was working today" she said and dashed up the stairs.

"She has 2 hours before she has to be there. Why such a rush?" Lou asked.

"Because she still works at Starbucks in the area my parents live so it takes almost an hour to get there" I said and he nodded.

45 minutes later me and Louis were cleaning up the kitchen cause of a food fight we had. Anne ran into the kitchen and popped a bagel into the toaster.

"You work at Starbucks and you're eating breakfast here?" I asked laughing.

"Quit laughing. I don't want the cash taken off my check. I need the money cause I'm going to America for a campus tour in the summer" she said.

Right. I forgot she was going to a University in the USA. I think it was Georgetown Uni in Washington D.C.

"Oh yeah. I forgot you got accepted" I said. She was the only student at our school to get a scholarship. I would have gotten one, but I didn't go for one since I'm going to law school NEXT year.

"Yeah sadly. I'll miss you. But i'll fly back up on holidays." She said. "And the time difference isn't too big. So we can call and Skype all the time." she said.

She put some cream cheese on her bagel and ate it. She took out the milk carton and drank some from it before saying bye and leaving. Typical Anne...

"I didn't know she got accepted?" Louis said.

"Yup. She's going for the tour in exactly 1 month. Then she's leaving for the school year in August" I said and he nodded.

Oh my god...i'm feeling sick again. I dashed out of the kitchen and ran into the bathroom. I was puking a lot still, but not as much. Louis then came in an kneeled beside me.

"Do you want the boys to come over. We can hang out" he asked. All I could do was nod because I was still puking.

When I was finished I was finally able to talk. "Can you ask them to bring chocolate aspirin and Pizza?" I asked.

"Sure thing love. Be right back." He said and left the bathroom. I flushed the toilet and rinsed my mouth with some mouth wash.

I went into the living room and then Louis walked in.

"Niall and Zayn said they'll come over. Liam said he's spending the day with Danielle." Louis said. I nodded.

"Are they gonna bring the aspirin pizza and chocolate?" I asked.

"Yeah. They'll be over in about an hour" Lou said.

Me and Louis sat down in that time watching spongebob. There was a knock on the door.

"Not it!" Louis shouted before I could. shit.

I lazily got up from the couch and made my way over to the door there stood Zayn and Niall with chocolate 3 boxes of large pizzas and a bottle of aspirin.

"Thanks guys" I said with a smile hugging them.

They brought in the everything and set them down on the kitchen counter. "So what's up Kat?" Niall said.

"Nothing much just ya know. Puking. Sleeping. Eating" I said and he chuckled. I couldn't help but notice how quiet Zayn was. Sure he was a quiet type, but not as much around people he knows.

Then I remembered. He was mad at me. I wonder if he really meant what he said though.

I should talk to him later. "So how was your sleep over?" Niall asked. I looked at him confused as if to say how'd-you-know-about-it. "Twitter" he said.

"Ohh right" I said. Forgot we tweeted it. "Really fun. We had a heart to heart conversation so now we're closer than ever. I feel like I can trust him with about anything now" I said smiling. I saw a look of jealous on Zayn's face.

Was he really jealous that me and Lou are close now.

"Closer than me?" Niall asked. Me and Niall are pretty close. I was closest with him after the whole Harry thing.

"You. Because you know who I like. Wait but it could be him because he knows about my last boyfriend." I said pondering for a moment.

"How can you not even tell me about him." Niall asked faking hurt. "And yes I do. And I think he likes you back" he said with a wink. I started blushing.

Zayn now looked jealous and mad. Was it because of the mystery guy. Poor Zayn. Poor stupid little Zayn. If only he knew that guy was him.

That's right. I like Zayn. Not that big as to say love. It's just a small crush. I'm not really the bad boy type, and that's the type he seems like. So who knows how long it'll last. Only time will tell I guess.

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