Chapter 29

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~Katlyn's P.O.V~

Right now we were on our way to this surprise location.

"Okay. We're here" he said parking the car. I looked out the window to see an ice rink. I love skating! I haven't been in a while.

I know that skating may sound like a weird date. But to me it isn't. Call me weird, but I hate going out to those fancy places on dates. I like them simple and fun loving!

"How did you know I love skating" I said smiling.

" I have my ways" he said and got out of the car. He walked over to my door and opened it for me.

"Thank you" I said.. He smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me towards the rink.

It was quite big. And it was empty.

"How come we're the only ones?" I asked.

"I rented out the place for us" he said smiling. He gave me a quick peck on the lips before we went and grabbed our skates.

We put on our skates and headed for the ice.

"Let's start off with a little race shall we" he said smirking.

"Okay, but prepare to loose." I replied with the same smirk on my face.

We started the race off with him in the lead. But I caught up and ended up wining! "I told you. I'm just that good" I said brushing the fake dust of my shoulders. Yes I know that was lame. No, I don't care.

"I totally let you win" he said.

"Hahaha. Keep thinking that" I said.

"I did!" He argued back.

"What ever floats your boat"

"Fine. Rematch?" He asked. I nodded.

"You're on"

Basically we spent a majority of the night racing each other. It was really fun. These are the kind of dates I like. The type where it doesn't involve any fancy crap, just me, the guy I love and a fun loving place.

~Back Home Now~

We were now back home. I had so much fun.

"Hey guys. How was the date?" Liam asked when he saw us.

"Really fun! We went ice skating" I said smiling. "So how was Darc. Hope she wasn't too much trouble"

"Oh she was fine. She's asleep right now." He said. I nodded.

"Well thanks again Liam." I said.

~~2 Years Later~~ (yeah I know. So many time jumps. This is the last one I swear)

~Zayn's P.O.V~

I had texted Kat to come meet me at Starbucks telling I wanted to talk to her. I had something really important to say.

~Katlyn's P.O.V~

I am shitting bricks. Zayn said he wanted to talk to me. And that it was important. Is he breaking up with me? If he is I would be broken.

Darcy was having a daddy daughter day with Harry. He said that I needed to see Zayn because it couldn't wait. That didn't help at all.

What if Zayn really is breaking up with me? I need to pull myself together. I quickly put on some skinny jeans and my 'Cool Story Bro' black sweater.

I made my way down to Starbucks still freaking out.

I saw Zayn sitting at the booth in the back. I made my way over.

"Hi Zayn" I said nervously,

"Hi Kat" he said just as nervous. Oh my god I think he is breaking up with me. "Kat... I-"

"Zayn. It's okay. If you wanna break up with me okay" I said trying to fight back tears. "But I want to know why. Am I not good enough, d-did you meet someone-"

"Kat! No. I am not breaking up with you" he said chuckling. I sighed in relief. "Kat. I really do love you. More than anything else. I would give anything for you. You make me more happy than you know. The way you smile, your laugh, your voice. I can go on forever saying the stuff I love about you so I'll get straight to the point"

He got down on one knee and pulled out a box. I was smiling and I was about to cry. Not from sadness, from joy.

"Kat. Would you do me the honour of being my wife?" He asked opening the box. There was a beautiful diamond ring. I was now crying and all eyes were on us.

I nodded unable to speak. "Yes Zayn. Yes. I love you too. Of course I'll be yours" I said. He smiled and slid the into on my finger. Everyone in the store 'awwed'

He stood up and I jumped into his arms. He gave me a long and passionate kiss.

I can't believe it, I was getting married!

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