Chapter 19

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~Katlyn's P.O.V~

Well me and Alex are now official banned from Crafts (the pottery store. Btw that's completely made up). So now we are sitting in his car thinking of something to do. This is how it all happened.


Me and Alex were making pottery. Obviously! I was doing something simple, a bowl. Well at least I thought it was simple.

He was making a vase. He was almost done making it, it was beautiful. My bowl looked like a big piece of poo.

"Hahaha, what is that supposed to be" Alex asked laughing and pointing at my.. Bowl? I guess I can call it that.

"Don't laugh. It's a bowl. It's harder than it looks" I huffed trying to fix my bowl... Thing... Whatever it is.

"If I can make a vase that looks this good" he said gesturing the vase. "Then I can definitely make a bowl. That looks like a turd" he said laughing.

In one swift movement I brought my hand down and squished his vase. "Know yours looks like a turd too" I said sticking out my tongue.

"Oh it's on" he said. He picked up a lump of the clay and smudged it in my face. Then I picked up a piece and put it in his hair. He did the same to me and I gasped. No one, messes with my hair!

Long story short, it turned into a big clay war. Soon enough everyone in the store joined in. We got banned since we started it.

~flashback over~

I laughed thinking about it again.

It was actually really fun. But I have never gotten into trouble before.

"Okay so where to now?" He asked.

"I don't know" I took a look at the time. It was now 3:00. As if on queue my stomach started to grumble. "Can we go get lunch. I'm hungry"

"Yeah sure. Where do you wanna go?" He asked starting the car.

"MC DONALDS!" I said excitingly. What? They have healthy foods too. Since we both didn't know the area too well we just kept driving around until we found one.

When I got there he ordered a cheeseburger and a root beer and I got a root beer and Cesar salad.

I swear I was so hungry because I finished eating in about 7 minutes. Alex still hadn't finished his drink yet.

While I was waiting for him to finish eating I got a call. I pulled out my phone and looked at the caller ID. It was Harry!

"Hey Haz" I said happily.

"Hey Kitty Kat" he said. He know I hate being called that.

"Really. I told you not to call me that!" I said frustrated.

"Fine fine, only playing around. So how is everything. You Doing alright?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm great. Why about you. How's the tour coming along?" I asked.

"It's really fun. But I can't wait to come back home though. We all miss you. So what are you up to?"

"I miss you too. And I'm just hanging out with my friend Alex" I said. "Harry. Can I ask you something? Is Zayn still mad at me?" I asked.

"Oh. No. Actually he's been meaning to talk to you but he thinks your mad, so he's just trying to keep distance" Harry said. Well that made me feel much better

"Okay. thanks Harry I gotta go. He just finished eating. Talk to you later"

"Yeah okay. By Kat!" He said and I hung up. I can't wait for them to come back. I miss all of them so much.

~Zayn's P.O.V~

I watched as Harry slid his phone back into his pocket.

So he isn't mad. Thank god. I don't plan on making a move on her when I get back. I wanna wait til she has the baby. But what if he meets someone new.

"Harry? Do you think I should make the move when we get back. Or wait until the baby comes?" I asked.

"It's all up to you." He said shrugging.

Just then Louis came down the stairs cheering.

"Why are you so perky?" I asked laughing at how childish he looked.

"Remember that girl Eleanor. Well I just asked her out and she said yes" he said smiling. Now I know he doesn't like Kat.

~Louis' P.O.V~

I honestly thought I really liked Kat. But I like her no more than a friend. I moved on from her about a day after I found out she likes Zayn.

And now I got a girl. And a beautiful one to. Eleanor Calder! I can't wait for Kat to meet her. She'll love her and they will get along great.

The boys and Danielle have already met her before. We would hang out and go for coffee or something together sometimes.

~Katlyn's P.O.V~

Me and Alex had went our separate ways after lunch. He dropped me off back home and then he left. I was greeted by Anne when I walked in through the doors.

"Hey babes. Where have you been all day?" She asked me.

"I was with a friend. I was bored and lonely" I said.

"So do you wanna go shopping. Maybe get a mani-peti?" She asked. "And a facial cause my pores are huge" she said looking in a spoon as a mirror.

"Yeah alright. Let me just go get my credit card and car keys and I'll be right down" I said. She nodded and I headed up the stairs. I grabbed my card and keys and went back down.

"So how long until you leve for that tour again?" I asked her as we entered the car.

"Uh.. In about 2 and a half weeks" she said. I frowned

"I'm really gonna miss you" I said. We gave each other a long bear hug.

"I'll miss you too. But I'm only staying two weeks" she said.

"And then Leaving again in August until holidays" I said. I started the engine and headed down the the spa.

"Yeah. But we'll Skype and talk everyday." She said smiling.

"Okay. So how's everything with you and Ceil?" (a/n for people that haven't heard this name. It's pronounced like C el) Ceil was one of our friends. She's been crushing on him for the longest while now. But never told him

I don't know if he likes he though. I'm actually pretty good at reading people, but he just hides all his emotions so well. It's hard to tell what he's feeling most times. Like me he was bullied for a long time. So after a while he just stopped showing emotion. I met him one time in the park about a year ago.

He has light brown hair and hazel eyes. He's actually really tall. At least to me. He's 5'11.

"Please help me! When he talks to me I just melt sometimes. And I don't know what he's feeling because he has no emotions" She said.

"He has emotions, he just knows how to his them well. But I have a way to see if he likes you" I said suggestively, "if you're up for it"

"I'm up for about anything right now. I just need to know how he feels." She said.

"Okay. Well when all of us are together we'll get someone to act like your boyfriend. You'll act all lovey dovey in front of him. And we'll see how he feels" I said. "If he gets jealous, he obviously cares."

"And what if he doesnt?" She asked

"Then he's just not interested." I said telling her the brutally honest truth.

We pulled up in front of the spa and headed inside. It was my turn to pay so I paid for a facial and mani-peti for the both of us.

"So when should we start this?" She asked.

"Umm. We can start it next week since he's going to visit his mum this week"

She nodded her head. I just hope nothing backfires with this plan.

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