Chapter 27

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~Katlyn's P.O.V~

It has now been 6 months since Darcy was born. For 6 months he is learning fast. She said her first word, which happened to be Lou. He went all excited after that and chanted 'SHE KNOWS MY NAME' of over and over again.

She tries to walk but wobbles over and falls. He is just so adorable.

Linda was her current nanny. She offered to do it for free, while I was at work.

Harry actually helped out alot. When he wasn't busy with band stuff, he takes care of her

Right now the boys were on their world tour ad won't be back til' next month or so.

They sent me bunch of pictures, and it looks like they're having fun.

I was currently getting ready to go to work at Hollister. I actually like working there. Clothes on discount for me. Downside is refolding and putting back clothes that costumes are to lazy to do.

"Linda I'm leaving. Tell Darcy we're going to the park when I get back" I said to Linda. They were both in the sitting area watching TV.

"Alright. Have a nice day" she said. I said thanks and left.


I was now on my last work shift. I looked at my watch. 45 more minutes. I was pretty tired by now.

Do you ever get that feeling that you're being watched. Cause I am right now. It freaks me out.

I finished up with what I had left. "You can go now Katlyn" my boss said. She is very nice but likes to call me Katlyn knowing how much it annoys me. I just rolled my eyes.

"Alright. Bye Jennifer" I said. She prefers being called Jen.

I walked out of the store and too my car. I still feel like I am being watched. It's very freaky.

When I arrived home I saw Darcy in her baby seat in the kitchen trying to feed herself and Linda laughing because she always missed her mouth.

I had to take a picture of this. I sent the picture of Darcy eating to Harry.

To: Haz

Look! Darcy's trying to eat on her own. It's funny how she keeps missing her mouth.

From: Haz

Aww❤ she is so cute

When we were done I picked up Darcy, cleaned her up and headed for the park.

I still feel like I'm being watched. It's full on scaring me now.

I was pushing Darcy in the baby swings when someone came up behind me and grabbed y waist scaring the living shit out of me.

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