Injuries & Coffee

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(Mitch's Pov)

I wake up first, and notice everyone's sleeping. Well, they must be, because their bunk curtains are closed. I was just about to walk up front to grab some coffee when something catches my attention. I turn around, and see something moving around behind one of the curtains.

Walking up to it, I made sure not to be loud while furiously trying to get these stupid curtains-

Oh, this is kirstie's bunk. She looks like she did back in high school, like that sassy yet adorable girl she is. She looks like she's dreaming, cause she's shuffling around in her small bunk.

I turn around just to get something from my bed across from her's.

Then I lean in closely...

(Kirstie's Pov)


"ugh..." I groaned, as someone yelled right in my ear, and shining a flashlight in my eyes.

I  just woke up from the most wonderful dream, only to find that I'm temporarily blinded.

Not realizing where I was, I tried to sit up, and to have one final annoying surprise.

I sat up, or attempted to, as my head collided with the ceiling above me.

I lean my shoulders forward, and when the blurry after-images of the light faded, I could see Mitch standing there, giggling to himself.

I rubbed my eyes, pretending to be half asleep. Being the bitch I am, I caught Mitch by surprise and jumped out of my bunk on him. He fell backwards, still laughing though now at my angry mood.

How about we leave it at that, and say that it ended with injuries, threats and coffee outside the tourbus.

(Mitch's Pov)

Woah. Where'd the cute little Kirstie from yesterday go?  She started trying to hit me, while she was on top of me, and I just thought 'Nah, she's still cute'.

After she was finished with her attempt to tackle me, she stood up to go make coffee for the band. She left me still sitting in the middle of the tourbus' bunks, watching her walk away.

I took advantage of that, and reached up to tickle her.

"MITCH" she screamed, which ended up sounding funny while she was laughing that adorable laugh of hers. Hang on-

"Ahhhhrrggkirste!" I quickly forgot my thoughts, as she pushed me out the door, which is now swinging closed from the impact.

"Mitch, that's what you get you little piece of-" We both looked up at each other, with the same thought.

"We've woken the beast" I said, as we could here someone waking up. She strode to the sleeping area  of the bus while I stood up, brushing any sort of dirt from my pants, from where I fell.

The cute little ball of anger opened the door the same time as me, looking relieved.

"Avi's still sleeping" I sighed, because DO NOT wake Avi up when he's tired. He'll never do anything violent, but his voice is certainly very loud and scary. Well, to me.

I moved forward, unluckily the same time Kirstie decided to come out of the doorway.

"Mitch!" she said as we crashed down the stairs.

"Oh, sorry! Mitch, oh my god" she stood up, after almost pulverizing me.

"That's ok, princess" I lied, "I just cushioned your fall. My back hurts a little" She pulled me up with her hidden talent for strength.

I was thinking on pouring a glass of water on her one we got inside, but she let herself into my arms which made me reconsider.

I didn't mind, though. My back still hurts but it seems that Kirstie's the one you should hug when you get hurt.

I pull her hand to the middle of the bus, and start making coffee while she gets six cups out.

(Kirstie's Pov)

I reached over to Mitch's back. He winced, I must have really hurt him. I feel really bad, but when the coffee's done we'll go outside.

I started humming Love You Long Time to myself, when Mitch joins in from the mini kitchen. I smile to myself, and jump a little when he taps me on the shoulder with a mug.

"Come on" I say before he can start. I pull him out the door since he's holding our coffee.

(Mitch's Pov)

We sit at the picnic table in silence, drinking coffee at 6 am. She shivers, so I put my arm around her.

We ended up like that for the next 2 hours.


Hey! This is my first fanfic, so go easy on me. I'm new to wattpad but not new to writing. So I know the way this is written it kinda sounds like a one-shot, but I'm planning on making this story VERY long. This chapter was longer than I expected myself, but I won't update everyday, maybe every couple of days, and they mostly won't be this long. So thanks for reading this, and if you want to see anything in this story (maybe certain ships, or some tragic event) then just comment or whatever. Thank you!


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