Book Shop

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(Esther's Pov)

"Kevin. Hey!" He looked up from his book, and smiled at me.

"Hi Esther." The group had some time off, and I decided to stop by the bookshop Kevin has been at for the whole day.

I sat next to him, and he put down the book he was reading.

"Kev, can I talk to you?"

(Kevin's Pov)

This would be a great time to talk to Esther, so I said yes.

"Yeah, sure."

"Well," she shifted around before looking at me again, "I was just wondering about what would happen after Pentatonix is not so busy with tour again..." Esther spoke slowly.


She stopped talking and looked up at me.


"Can I tell you something also?" She looked into my eyes, and I touched her hand before continuing;

"I just was gonna ask, if after we're not so busy if you would maybe like to go hang out sometime?"
I've been wanting to speak to Esther for a while, but I immediately regret telling her now.

Esther just smiled at me, and the next thing I knew she...


The next part will probably be up later on

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