Holding Her Hand

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Before reading this, you might want to read the 10th part, because this continues straight from there.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Mitch's Pov)

"Wait, what?" Scott stared at me blankly.

"Y-you don't..." I stopped myself after I started to stutter.

"MITCH? SCOTT?" Kirstie yelled from outside our door, as I got up .

I opened the door, and Kirstie smiled at me.

"It's about to start guys!" She seemed really excited, so I let her take my hand as we left the room.

"Scott?" I called out behind me, "Come on!"

We were about to go on stage, when Esther stopped me, and Kirstie went ahead of me.


She smiled, and stepped aside so I could get to the stage,

"Mitch, just make sure you don't hold Kirstie's hand while you're on stage, the audience might get the wrong idea."

I didn't really process her words, until we started singing.

What if I like holding Kirstie's hand?

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just wondering, would you prefer short chapters everyday, or longer chapters not everyday? Please tell me.

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