2 am

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This chapter has some really cute bits in it! By cute, I mean this chapter is 100% Mirstie, and by bits I mean the whole entire chapter.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Kirstie's Pov)

It's been a week since I broke up with Jeremy, and I'm still not sure what do do about it, how to feel about it.

Also, It's been a week since Mitch actually talked to me, voluntarily. I know something bothering him but I feel like it's me.

Once again, like I do every single time I get up from my bunk, I hit my head on the low ceiling when I attempt to sit up.

"Kirstie?" It was almost hard to tell who it was, because I haven't heard that voice in a while.


I yanked open the brown curtain to see his already open, and Mitch is staring at me.

"Kirst, what are you doing up? It's 2 am" How long was I on the internet?

"I just couldn't sleep." Total Lie. "You?"

"I don't really feel like sleeping right now."

"Oh." This doesn't seem like Mitch...
Then again, he hasn't been himself all week.

"Hey, do want to go do something?" I just wanted to break the silence, but I immediately regret what I said afterwards.

"Now?!" Actually, mission accomplished. I got him to smile, and almost laugh.

"Sure, we can just go for a walk, right?" I guess I'm just gonna play along with it.

I got down from my bunk, so I could climb into his, across from mine.

He actually accepted and let me sit there.

"Do you wanna go for a walk?"

"I'm asking because something's on your mind right now, and I just want to help."

(Mitch's Pov)

"I really just can't lie, can I?" Kirstie laughed a little, before resting her head on my shoulder. I like hearing her laugh, and I hope I'm not giving her the impression that I don't want to talk to her, because I really do.

"Yeah." I smiled, and she seemed to smile back, "yeah, I would like to go on a walk with you."

Jumping down from my bed, or pretty much climbing down then jumping the last foot, I reach out for her hand once I was down.

Kirstie smiled and took my hand, and she has no idea how much I missed that smile.

"Come on Kirst." Tugging her hand along, we went out of the tour bus, and outside to the freezing cold.

(Kirstie's Pov)

Right now, I'm so glad I was wearing a bathrobe in bed. Mitch, however seems fine in his pyjamas.

Something seems even more wrong now, he didn't even bring his phone with him! It's very strange for Mitch to do that, but I think it's a good strange. I could get use to this kind of strange.

(Mitch's Pov)

I pull Kirstie's hand after me, and we started down the highway. There really was no where else to walk, since we didn't bring a flashlight. Or anything at all, really.



"Are you cold?" This is me starting a conversation, and you can see I'm not very good at it.

"No, are you? You look cold."

"A little. But I don't really care-"
Kirstie surprised me by putting her arms around me, but sometimes I like surprises.

I grabbed her waist, and lifted her off the ground, making her yell at me.


I guess I couldn't hold her up for that long.

(Kirstie's Pov)

Mitch bent down, and caught me last minute.

"What the heck, Mitch!" I ended up laughing, you just can't stay angry at this guy.

"Sorry..." He rubbed the back of his neck, and looked away.

I tried to tickle him, but then my phone beeped.

"Who is it?" Mitch knew me so well, he knew which sounds I used for text and call.

Looking down at my phone, I got a text from Avi asking if I've seen Mitch.

I reply with; Maybe.., before showing Mitch.

"No shit, you haven't seen me anywhere."

 I giggled as I checked my phone again.

Kirstie: He's outside

Avi: Outside?

Kirstie: yep.

Avi: Are you too?

Kirstie: Yeah, are we needed at 2 in the morning?

Avi: It's not 2 anymore

How long have we been gone for?


"Yeah..." He said behind me.

"It's 4 am." His eyes go wide.

"Sorry Kirstie, I didn't bring my phone."

"I know, but I did and I didn't care to check the time."

"Let's go." His hand found mine as we started walking back, hopefully the way we came from.


As I promised, a longer chapter.

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