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(Scott's Pov)

"Our next show is in New York. I've heard that the fans in New York are great..." I spoke to Mitch, who seemed distracted,

"hmm?" He didn't even look up.

"The fans. In New York. Are great" I said slowly, like he was a child,  just to piss him off. It didn't  work, though. He just kept staring at this notebook he had. I'm pretty sure it was just full of old photos. I tried looking over his shoulder, although when he moved his shoulder, I just got bumped in the face.

I gave up with Mitch, so I went out of the bus for some fresh air.

(Kirstie's Pov) 

I HAVE to find out what's been bugging Mitch. He just doesn't seem like himself. I decided to just lie down and think about it. 
Is it because of me? Did I hurt him yesterday when I landed on him? Or maybe I was just being mean to him, I just don't-


I look below my bunk and see Kevin's head sticking out, too. 
"Hey." I just casually replied, because right now I don't want to talk to anyone about anything. But I do. I'm hopeless...

"Hey, Kirst you did know that you were talking out loud, didn't you?"

"Oh, shit..."

"Language, Kirstie" He said sternly, which made me smile. Kevin can always cheer someone up, he's like... 

I don't know, he's just great.

"I know," I reply with as much sarcasm as he used.

"Hey, come one let's go find Potatoes."

I hopped down from my bunk just as he headed to the back of the bus with the mini lounge area. I walk inside just seeing Kevin sit down next to Avi.

"Hey, potatoes" I said to Avi. He just gave me a death stare, then turned to Kevin.

Avi didn't need to say anything, just looked at Kevin.

"Sorry, Avi. You just kinda look like the potatoes sort of guy" Kevin held his hand up.

"No, we went through this.You're potatoes, and I'm meat." I just looked back and forth.


"Nope," I said before things got worse, "just nope. DO NOT KEEP SAYING USELESS WORDS BACK AND FORTH, THIS HAS GONE ON FOR 3..." I stopped because they were looking at me weirdly. 

Infact, Avi just looked full out horrified. Kevin was leaning away from me.

"Was I that loud?" I asked afraid I just hurt someone.

After a while of the two staring blankly at me, Mitch burst through the door. He was followed be Scott who just paced around.

"We got here as fast as we could, who was screaming? Who got shorty angry?"

I attempted to push him, so he collided with Mitch, but he just tottered back onto his feet.

"You will get me angry, if you keep calling me that!"

(Mitch's Pov)

Turns out, as Kevin explained, 'Avi didn't agree even though it's true that he's potatoes.'

I look back over at my two bestfreinds. They were fighting a moment ago, but now Scott's somehow managed get Kirstie onto one of the bunks, and is keeping her there by simply standing in her way.

I laugh inside my head, because a moment ago Kirstie scared the shit out of Avi and Kevin, and can now be tamed because someone's in her way. I couldn't really do that. I'm not much taller than Kirstie, and that's saying something.

But I don't laugh, really. I want to. 

But I just don't want to turn into that weird sentimental Mitch, like Scott when he's drunk, every time I think about his laugh. About Travis.

Just as quietly as I mentally laugh, I mentally cry.

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