Told Me

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OH MY GOD 1K! I'm sorry I haven't updated recently, so I have been working really hard today to write you guys a chapter. Here it is!


(Scott's Pov)

Mitch and Kirstie have gone out together, Kevin's busy and Avi's sleeping, so I don't have anyone to talk to.
I pull out my phone, and scroll through my calling history. I click the last number on the list, and it starts dialling.


Surprised, I dropped my phone.

It took me a while before I could get down from my bunk, and pick it back up again. The call has been ended, and I have a text from the same number.

'Scott?' It reads.

'Who is this?' I reply.
'Its Tori. Why are you calling me?"

Oh, it's Tori. Neat.

Scott: I don't really have anyone to talk to...
Tori: Don't you have a whole entire band of people to talk to?

She laughed, and I'm glad I called her. And glad that she texted me.

Scott: They're all busy. Are you?
Tori: Not really...
Scott: Ok that's good, I guess

There was silence for a while, or the texting version of silence, until Tori broke it.

Tori: Aren't you guys on tour?
Scott: yeah, we're passing by California now.
Tori: Oh, I'll be in Nevada for a while.
Scott: Our next show's in Nevada!
Tori: Would you mind if I stopped by your hotel, or something while you're there?
Scott: Tori, I would love that!

I probably came off as way too eager to see her, but I haven't seen Tori in so long!

I checked back at my phone, and she asked what day would be best for us. Smiling as much as I possibly could, I tell her 'The 29th or 30th of feb.'

My phone slips out of my hand and onto my bed, and I lay back.

You know what? Being in Pentatonix is amazing.

(Kirstie's Pov)

I feel really bad. Mitch and I went out to go shopping once the tourbus stopped for a few hours. We're both Scott's best friends, and we left him behind. I didn't really think of why when we left, but all of a sudden I was with Mitch, and only Mitch.

Don't get me wrong, I totally like being with him, but I've gotten several texts and calls from Scott, saying he's bored, and we're still half an hour from the tourbus.


(Mitch's Pov)

Kirstie and I went for a walk, but I had other things in mind.

I asked Kirstie if she would like to go shopping earlier, and almost immediately after the tourbus stopped for an hour. We've only been out for 20 minutes, when I get a text from Scott.


Kirstie looked over her shoulder to see why I stopped, but I decided to put my phone down and give her my full attention.

"Mitch?" She says as I catch up. 

"Yeah?" Hopefully we want to talk to each other about the same thing.

"Can we talk?" I nod, and try to hide my excited smile as I finally get to tell her!

She sits down on a bench on the street, and motions to the seat beside her. Is it bad that I try to sit as close to her as possible?

(Kirstie's Pov)

"Kirst, I just wanted to tell you something first..." I hope he doesn't have a new boyfriend... I wanted to talk to him about why I'm spending all my time with him.

He looks at me nervously, before continuing. 

"I know this sounds weird, but I needed to come out..." This is getting a little confusing...

"You did several years ago," I laugh. He laughs too, but this time he looks serious.

"No, Kirstie I mean-" I nod my head, waiting for him to continue, "Yes, I am gay but not strictly gay..." He trailed off.

My face lights up but I look for a way to hide it. I pull him into my arms, just thinking;

'So glad he told me first.'


I wrote this while playing Rose Gold, Misbehavin' and Water over and over again. What's your favourite?

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