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1358 reads! Yes, I did manually count because I'm so happy!
As promised, here's the update.


(Mitch's Pov)

It was getting late, and we have a show tomorrow. We just got to our hotel in Las Vegas, at 11 and we we're still trying to get our rooms figured out. There was only 2 rooms available, so we all had to share rooms.

"Me and Avi are together!" Kevin called, running up to Avi and claiming him as his own. Me and Scott just stood next to each other, silently telling everyone not to separate us.

Esther told us she would be staying somewhere else, for tonight. And finally, Kirstie.

(Kirstie's Pov)

All of us in Pentatonix are great friends, but here's the tricky part:
Everyone has a go-to partner, except me. As Mitch and Esther sort out the rooms, I stand awkwardly with our luggage. I would share a room with Esther, but she's not staying here.

"Kirstie?" Mitch calls, snapping me out of my thought. I turn to face him, and see him running towards me.

"Who's room do you want to be in?" Yours! I want to be with you Mitch!  I wanted to tell him, instead I shrugged my shoulders, letting him choose.

Surprisingly, as I was about to go sit down Mitch pulled my arm back. It spun me me around, and I hope he says what I want to hear.

"You could be with me," He did! "and Scott." He finished, but it's still great! I silently nod my head, as he walks us over to Scott.

(Scott's Pov)

I like really need to talk to Mitch, right now! He's been eyeing Kirstie for the past week, but he's gay... And now I can't talk to him in private, because he invited Kirstie into our room. Don't get me wrong, Kirstie's my best friend, but I need to talk to Mitch privately. Now!

-Later that night-

After everyone's gone to sleep, I'm waiting to talk to Mitch. Taking my phone from the table, I text Mitch while almost being blinded by the screen.

Scott: Are you awake?

I wait a few minutes, before I get a reply.

Mitch: Yes, why?

Scott: Can I talk to you?

Mitch: Yeah.

Making sure not to bother Kirstie, I head to the mini couch at the other end of our hotel room. Mitch is sleeping on the couch, and why he would pass up an option to sleep in a queen size bed, I did not know. But I was about to find out.

"Scott?" He whispers, also trying not to wake up Kirstie. He looks confused, so I might as well get to the point.

"Mitch, can I ask you something you probably don't want to answer?" I said a little too quickly, but he sat up on the couch and looked at me.

"Ask away." I nodded my head, and started. "Are you gay?" He looked confused at first, then his mood dropped. "A little." He answered hesitantly.

"So is my theory correct?" He looked at me strangely, and clearly did not want to have this conversation.

"What theory?" Mitch tilted his head as he spoke.

"About Kirstie." At the mention of her name, Mitch started to get angry.

"Scott, isn't it late?" I knew what he was doing, trying to get out of this.

"I think we should get to sleep." He said, making it sound like a threat. He motioned for me to go to my bed, but I wanted answers. "Mitch, do you like Kirstie?" I needed to know, because this behavior wasn't normal for my best friend.

"Scott, I don't like Kirstie!" By the end of his sentence, he was yelling. Without saying anything, Mitch went to bed, and refused to say anything else.

So I went to sleep, and all I could think about was Liar. He's a liar.

(Kirstie's Pov)

Does anyone else stay awake at night, imagining situations with your crush? Has anyone else stayed up late because of them, whether they like you or not? Has anyone else ever felt as heartbroken as I do now? Or am I all alone?


Oooh cliffhanger! I wrote this while playing New Year's Day on repeat.

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