Can I Ask You Something?

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(Kevin's Pov)

It's really hard trying to talk to Esther right now.

Me, Avi and her were going out for dinner last night, when Avi went to the washroom and left me and Esther alone.


Avi's the fastest person I know, if something needs to get done, he gets it done.

So right now, I'm with Esther and she seems interested with me, but I'm just stuck here.

"So..." I am the worst at starting conversations.

"Yeah?" Esther smiles at me.

"I'm really just trying to start a conversation, do you know where Avi is?" I spoke a little too quickly.

Esther just laughed, so maybe this isn't so bad. Once a few angry stares got shot our way, for being to loud, Esther turned back towards me.

"Kevin, can I ask you something?"

"Uh, I guess so... About what?"

"It's just that-"

"Hey, I'm back." Avi came in, and ruined the moment.

"Hi." They both just stared at me, knew something was wrong, and I was definitely going to get questions later on.

For now everyone shrugged it off, and we finished eating.

(Avi's Pov)

Something's up with Kevin.

We're walking back to our hotel, and I just know that I'm going to go crazy on the questions, but right now we walk in silence.

(Esther's Pov)

There's been something going on right now, that I've been wanting to talk about for some time, and Kevin seems like the right guy to talk to, even though talking about with him might be a little awkward.

He and Avi left to go back to the hotel, and I went to the park across from it.

I sat there for sometime, replaying my thoughts in my head, and thinking about what I should say to Kevin.

I'll find him tomorrow, after their show and talk to him then.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I know it's a short chapter, but I'm sick right now, and will probably update later on because I have nothing to do. Thanks for reading!

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