Feel Complete

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(Scott's Pov)

Mitch has been acting weird lately, I should go talk to him.

We're in the tourbus, so I only have to get out of my bunk to look into the one on top of me.

Although when I pull the curtains aside, there's no sign of Mitch.

I open another bunk.

No one there. This is Kevin's.

And another, Kirstie's.

Where is everyone?

I move to the one under Kirstie's,


"Oh, hi Avi. Do you by any chance know where anyone else is?"

He stares at me blankly, so apparently not.

"Genevieve is on her bed..."

No, I need to know where my two best friends are.

"What about Kevin?"

"Busy." Avi replies.

I turn around and grab my phone out of my bed. 

[Scott: Where are you?

Mitch: I'm with Kirstie. Am I needed anywhere?

Scott: No, just wondering

Mitch: Ok what time should we come back

Scott: You guys have to be back in 1/2 hour

Mitch: K.]

So Mitch is now hanging out with kirstie all the time, which isn't suspicious at all...

And Kevin is probably practicing, or writing new songs.

Avi is trying to sleep, so that really doesn't leave me with anyone to talk to. 

I look back at my phone, and decide to call someone. Anyone.

(Esther's Pov)

Kevin told the whole band he was gonna write a new song, but he ended up going for lunch with me.  

We ate a while ago, and we're heading back now. 

"Is it just me, or are we walking very slowly..." Kevin points out. 

"Yeah, we are."

I look up at him, and smile. 

(Kevin's Pov)

I know me and Esther are now better friends than yesterday, but I'm still really nervous to ask. Oh, what the heck it's gonna happen sometime. It might as well be now. 


She stares at me, and I just feel so complete with her. 

"You never gave me an answer, from yesterday..." I really hope she isn't gonna walk out on me again.
"Kevin?" She starts, "It's a yes. I would love to spend some more time with you."

Now I feel even more complete.

(Esther's Pov)

Oh my god I can't believe I said yes this is amazing!

"Kev?" He looks down at me, "Didn't I already give you an answer?"

"No, last time I asked, you didn't say anything at all." I smirked at that comment, 

"I gave you an unofficial answer." He looked confused, "I already went on a date with you. And I'm still on that date, now." 

He grins, and puts an arm around me. 

(Kevin's Pov)

Esther is now officially my favourite person. She just makes me feel so complete...


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