Should I Stay?

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(Scott's Pov)

Mitch came out with a recovering Kirstie, and they went for a walk around our hotel. Knowing me, I got bored.

I went for a walk. I needing to clear my head, and tour had been a little too busy for me.

Tour is pressurizing sometimes, and I just wish I could escape it for a week. Or two...

But maybe touring isn't my thing, maybe being in a band is just not my thing. Does everyone else want me in the band? Perhaps being who I am now, is something I shouldn't be doing. Should I stay in Pentatonix?

(Avi's Pov)

Me and Kev were just trying to figure out what to do for one of our shows, next week, when Kevin just stopped.


Usually he's very talkative, and loves to work, but he just seemed like he's giving up.

"Sorry Avi, I just can't do this right now." This doesn't sound like Kevin.

"Why? What's bothering you?" When this happens to Kevin, something's definitely wrong.

"I just have stuff on my mind, that's all."
He sat down, and put his face in his hands.

"Hey, I'm just gonna go make something." I went into the kitchen in our hotel room, and left Kevin to think it out.

(Kevin's Pov)

I don't want to stop Avi from getting stuff done, I just have been thinking alot since yesterday.

Yesterday, I was talking to Esther, about our upcoming shows when I just got flustered, and couldn't speak in front of her.

I don't want to talk to Avi about it, he might get angry with me, for crushing on his sister. She may be older, but Avi is way too overprotective.

I turn around to see him making...

I don't even know what he's doing. I get up and out of his way, to go lie down.

I need some time to think.

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