It's You

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I started a Mirstie one-shot book, so check it out!

(Mitch's Pov) 

I came here for one reason, and one reason only; to tell Kirstie what's on my mind.

"I need to talk to you about something." I say calmly.
"I have never seen you this serious, what is it?" She asks, leaning closer. We're both silent for a while, and Kirstie puts her hand on mine, causing me to flinch back. She stared into my eyes, asking for an answer. Again, she reaches for me but this time I Iet her. After her hand connects with mine, Kirstie quickly looks away, seemingly lost in her own thought.

"I just wanted to say" I start off slowly, "that some things I said in the past, were hints to things I'm telling you now." Kirstie's head tilts in confusion, and she makes me smile. "When I told you I'm bi, it was for a reason." It took all my courage to say that, and I decided to make everything else up as I go along instead of over thinking this.
"Who is it?" Kirstie asks, almost two excitedly.

(Kirstie's Pov)

After I understood Mitch liked someone, my heart broke into a million pieces. I finally have a chance with him, then he ends up liking another girl. Pretending to be excited, I ask him who it is.
Clearly shy, Mitch doesn't respond and rubs the back of his neck.
"Mitch, tell me!" I'm faking the emotion of wanting to know, because right now I don't even care who he likes, because it's not me.

Mitch ignores me, pretending not to hear my question. "Mitch, tell me who is it!" He doesn't know how hard he's making this for me, because I can't just leave without him telling me, and staying is breaking my heart. I have no choice but to keep asking.

"Mitch, please, I want to know!" That was a lie.

"Mitch, it's killing me!" That wasn't.

"Mitch-" My words were muffled when I felt a pair of lips on mine. My heart started to beat faster, and I felt it fly above the thought that he would never like me. Because he does. And I love him.

(Scott's Pov)

As I get closer to Kirstie's room, I hear people talking.
"What do you need to say?" It sounds like Kirstie, and I could hear Mitch stuttering before he says anything. He must need someone to help him out. Waiting no longer, I open the door. There was no voices anymore, but I couldn't see them from the doorway. Walking quickly, I turned the small corner and WHAT? They were kissing. They were KISSING. All of a sudden, Mitch must of heard me, and looked at me. Kirstie did the same, I realized I should have let them be.

"Scott!" They yelled at me in unison, and I couldn't help but think they're cute, even when they shout at me to go away.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please don't be angry at me for not posting a chapter in 13 days, I'm really really sorry!

My dad gave my brother my laptop because he needed it for school, and I only needed it for entertainment (Basically social media, netflix, and wattpad). I've been typing up chapters on my phone, but I've also lost interest in this story. I'm not going to delete or discontinue this story, but I'm not so interested in it anymore. It will have at least 5 more chapters, not including this one. Maybe more...

Anyways, to make up for not updating, I have started a mirstie one-shot book, and the first chapter was 3000 words. I'm not sure how that happened, but I'm pretty proud of myself. And this chapter of an actual story is like 300 words... Anyways, check it out!

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