I Haven't Seen You In A While

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(Mitch's Pov)

I'm fed up with feeling nervous around Kirstie. I've made a plan, and I'm going to tell her tonight. Me and Kirstie stood as far away from each other as possible, as we signed pictures and pretty much everything our fans had. Scott came out a little later than the rest of the band, with a surprisingly large smile on his face.

"Scott?" He turned to look at me, as the first time we've spoken since earlier.

"What?" His tone was a little harsh, but I continued.

"What are you smiling about?" Once I asked, he smiled even more. "I'll show you in a minute." He said, looking down the lineup of fans.

(Scott's Pov)

I was still angry at Mitch, but only enough that I could forget about it when I saw someone I've been wanting to see for so long. After signing a few posters, the line of fans shortened, and standing right in front of me was Tori. Yes, Tori Kelly.

Looking to my left, I nudge Mitch in the arm.

"What?" I didn't say anything, just let him realize.

"Hey Tori!" Mitch exclaimed excitedly, once he noticed her. Soon everyone around us noticed Tori, including the rest of Pentatonix.

"Hi Scott!" She says, instead of handing me a poster to sign.

"Do you want me to sign anything?" I say jokingly, earning a laugh from Tori.

"No, I just came to see you guys, like I promised!" Now everyone around us is focusing on our conversation.

"Scott, you set this up?" Kirstie asked, and I nodded.

Later on, after every poster and every piece of fanart was signed, I went to my dressing room, without Mitch.

Tori was standing outside, because I gave her special permission to see me after.

(Tori's Pov)

"Scott, you were amazing!" I yell. Scott looks away shyly, even though he's probably used to these kind of comments.

"Thanks Tori, you're amazing just for coming!" A question pops up in my head, and ask Scott.

"How long will you guys be in Nevada?" His smile goes down a little as he replies.

"Only for 2 more days."

The one time I get to see these people, is the one time they're about to leave.

(Mitch's Pov)

"Kirstie?" I felt Scott would probably want to talk to Tori, so I went straight after Kirstie to her dressing room.

She opens her door slowly, but seems happy to see me.

"Hey Kirst, could I tell you something?"

"Is it important?" She says, tilting her head in that cute way of hers.

"Very. I didn't even tell Scott." Kirstie looks shocked, but continues.

"Yeah, sure." She opens the door wider for me, and I enter.

Sorry for not updating in a week, but here's new sort-of long chapter!

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