Can't Help It

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(Kevin's Pov)

"Good luck!" Esther called to us, as we were heading to the stage. Everyone else made there way, but I stayed behind for a minute. Esther turned her back, and started walking down the corridor, but touching her shoulder got her to look at me.

"You have a show in a minute!" She protested. "I know, I just needed to ask you something." I smiled, as Esther nodded her head.

I waited a few moments for her to get curious, then leaned in. 

(Esther's Pov)

"I just needed to ask you something." Kevin smiled at me, but instead of telling me his question, I felt a pair of lips on mine. I smiled into the kiss, and everything just felt so perfect.

"Kevin?" We hear someone running down the hall, and we pulled apart. Kevin left down the hall with Avi, who seemed completely oblivious to what just happened. He turned around, and I winked at him. 

Walking down the other end of the hall, anyone who passes me sees me smiling like an idiot. But I can't help but smile, all because of him.

(Avi's Pov)

I don't think Kevin knows, but I did almost run into something important. His mind drifted off to where we were going, and probably focused on my sister.

"Kevin?" He snapped out of his gaze, looking a little embarrassed. 

"I know what I almost ran into, back there." I tell him, and he freezes. 

"Are you ok with it?" Why does everyone think I'm really over protective?

"Yes, Kev I am." He relaxes, "But just don't hurt her." Kevin nodded as we walked onto the stage.

I know how Kevin feels. When you feel like that, you can't really help it.



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