It Used To Be Always

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(Kirstie's Pov)

"Hey Kirstie, how are you?" Jeremy asked me on our phone call.

"Uh, tour is really busy."

"Where are you now?"

"Just finished our first show in new york, we have another one coming up." I smiled, even if it's busy tour is great. As I thought that, I shuffled around on the couch I was on, to lie with my head off the edge.

"Ok." He seemed like he didn't want to talk. I heard giggling in the background.

"Hey, what are you doing now?"

"uh, that's actually why I called-"

"I know, you haven't called in almost a week!" I said, but I just couldn't blame him for it, I always forgive him.

"Sorry," Oops! I interrupted him, "Why did you call?"

He stuttered a bit, and coughed.


"I don't think I'll be waiting at home for you."

I stopped holding be head up, and just let if fall. Me and Jeremy haven't been on the best of terms recently. But I thought we made up, didn't we? I just hope this isn't the worst it could be.

"Why" It didn't really sound like a question, but I wanted answers.

"Jeremy, why?"

"I, I just can't. I won't be there."

And to think that a moment ago I said I will always forgive him.

"Who is it?" I knew Jeremy, and it had to do with someone else.


All I could do it just break down.
"Who's she?! What happened to the promises you made?"

I wanted to scream, break something or just break down in tears, but he didn't deserve to get me crying.

"No, I can't take this." He didn't answer, but I heard a snicker, from who most likely was this Lauren.

"Who is this Lauren bitch?" I said, pretending to not know she was their.

I heard a gasp, something like a very weak person attempting to slap someone, and it ended with a fake-sounding voice saying 'You said she was nice!'

"I'm still here, jerks." Just to rub it in, because it hurt.

"Kirst, it's just that-"

"NO! I have had enough of you, and that bitch who you probably got pregnant for all I know, and worst of all, if you did something wrong, you kept it up!"

Trying to end the call without breaking my phone, I just shut it down, and threw it against the wall.

I didn't cry, I simply lay down on the small couch in my dressing room.

Why do I think I can always forgive him? It used to be always.
Now I can never forgive him. 

(Mitch's Pov)

"Mitch, what's wrong?" Scott think's something is bothering me, but I just don't want to talk to anyone right now.



Scott's my best friend, along with Kirstie, but I don't want to get angry with him.

"Sorry, it's just, something is bothering me."

"What?" Ok, at some point I'm going to have to talk, but I didn't want that time to be now. What the heck, it's gonna come sooner or later.

I opened my mouth to start talking, but then


It came from the wall behind me. That must be one of the other dressing rooms.

Me and Scott just looked at each other.

"Kirstie." We said in unison. What happened?

Before Scott could sit up, I swung the door open, and went to Kirstie's dressing room. Right now I have problems, and I just want to literally just stay away from everyone for a week. But it sounds like Kirstie's problems are worse than mine. And I can't just desert my best friend, can I?



Anyways, Mitch will attempt to calm Kirstie down, and I will probably update that part later on tonight, since today is the first day in the school year that I did not have homework! It's very exciting for me. Thanks for reading, and check back this evening for the next part.

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