In That Moment

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(Kirstie's Pov)

Our show was finally done, and Esther came up to us while we were heading to our dressing rooms.

The guys all went ahead, except for Mitch, who waited for me.

"Kirstie, could I talk to you for a minute?" I must have looked really worried, because Mitch came up to me, and put a hand on my shoulder. Esther smiled, and for some reason she left.

"Meet me in the staff's room in 10." She said over her shoulder, still smiling.

"Huh?" I turned to look at Mitch who seemed preoccupied thinking about something else.

(Mitch's Pov)

Ok, I admit I have recently been looking at Kirstie in a different way. But when Esther just let us have our moment, I started to blush, so I looked the other direction.


I look at Kirstie, and she smiles at me. We start walking back to our dressing rooms, when Kirstie puts her head on my shoulder.

(Kirstie's Pov)

All of a sudden, I like the fact that me and Mitch's dressing rooms were the farthest away from the stage. We keep walking, until we hit my dressing room, and Mitch's across the hall.

I slowly take my head of his shoulder, and in that moment, I wanted to ask him if I could just keep my head there forever and stay with him, but I decided not to, because I would just sound creepy. So I settle for just a hug, as we separate ways.

(Mitch's Pov)

I swear, in that moment I felt like I could reach out, and keep her with me forever, but the only thing I'd accomplish is just making myself look weird. So I pulled her into my arms, and neither one of us knew what was happening until we let go.

After I close my door, I lean against it and sigh.

She has no idea...

(Kirstie's Pov)

I'm not quite sure what happened, but I liked it. 

And in that moment, I felt like I could do anything with him.

Wait, what happening to me? I should let go of these dreams that started in all the way back from high school.

But he has no idea...

What should I do?

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