I'm Sorry

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(Esther's Pov -Flashback to part 10-)

"I just was gonna ask, if after we're not so busy if you would maybe like to go hang out sometime?"

I just smiled at Kevin, and the next thing I knew, I stood up and walked out of the bookshop.

I didn't really mean to, but I guess I was just a little nervous. He seemed like he's been wanting to tell me that for a while, but I couldn't handle it.

The truth is, I was going to tell Kevin before the rest of the group, that I might not go on their next tour with them. I wanted to spend some time at home, in Texas.

I was thinking of leaving tomorrow, but I don't know what to do anymore.

(Kevin's Pov)

You probably don't know how awful it is, to tell someone you like them, then to have them ditch you, without saying anything.

I feel like I should be the one to go find her, but not right now.

I take out my phone and call Avi.

Kevin: Hey are you busy?

Avi: Nope. Why?

Kevin: Can I talk to you? 

Avi: Sure.

Kevin: I know you might be a little bit angry, but I have something to tell you.

Avi: Uh-huh... Continue.

Kevin: This seems extremely awkward, but I asked your sister out.

Avi: WHAT?

Kevin: Is it ok?

Avi: Yeah, I just wasn't expecting that.

He's surprisingly calm about this.

Avi: Why are you telling me now?

Kevin: Good question, because it literally happened just before I called you, and Esther walked out on me.

Avi: What?

Kevin: I mean she got up, and left the bookshop. I don't know where she went.

Avi: Well, go find her than.

Kevin: I don't think I should...

Avi: Why not?

Kevin: It's not really a good sign if you ask a girl out, then she leaves without saying anything.

Avi: True, but do you know where she is?

Kevin: Uh, she went left.

Avi: That's very helpful.

Kevin: Starbucks is left.

Avi: Ok, Scott's there. I'll text him.

Kevin: Thank you.

Avi: I'll meet you there in half an hour

Kevin: Ok, see you then.

Avi: I'll talk to Esther too.

Kevin: Thanks, bye.

What have I done?

(Esther's Pov)

As I come up to starbucks, I saw Scott in there, probably looking for me.

After the scene I just made, everyone knows by now.

Before he can see me, I turn around and head in the direction I came.

(Kevin's Pov)

I don't think I did anything wrong, but I still feel bad.

Esther probably doesn't want to talk to me now, maybe because her news could have been that she got a new boyfriend, which would make me look even worse to her.

I look out of the window in the bookshop, and I feel even worse as me and Esther make eye contact.

Wait, Esther?

I get up my spot, and walk to the door. She's standing right outside, and looks away once I come near her.


She finally looks up, and my broken heart feels better, even if all she does is just look at me.

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry," she starts.

"Esther, I am."

We stay like that, staring at each other and slowly moving closer together without noticing.

My heart starts to beat faster, and I think I read somewhere that your pupil's grow when you look at someone you love; mine must be so large right now.

"Esther!" It's Avi, and he comes running down the street.

Me and Esther look back at each other, but look away once our eyes meet.

"Sorry." I said again, and she laughs.


Longer chapter! 

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