Finding Someone Else

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(Kirstie's Pov)

I was finally starting to tear up, I couldn't keep everything behind a smile for that long.

"Kirstie?" It was Mitch. If I didn't want to talk to anyone, why did just attract more attention to myself?

"Hey, Kirst can I come in?"

I kept on crying, which at this point Mitch decided to come in.

(Mitch's Pov)

Kirstie's crying, and all I want to do is help her.

I slowly open the door, and my heart just breaks to see Kirstie Like this. She's crying, with her head on her knees.

"Kirstie, please." This is the first time she reacted. Kirst lifted her head up, then jumped up from the couch in her dressing room.

"Hey, what happened, Kirst?"

She ran up to me, and cried into my shoulder.

"Hey, come here, princess." I let go from, so she could lie down on the sofa again.

"I-I'm Sorry, Mitch." I sat net to her, and let her head fall on my chest.
"What happened? I hate to see you like this..." I said.

"Jeremy..." Was all that she could manage.

"Why did you ever date him in the first place?" She laughed, that's a good sign.

"He cheated on me." Wow, I wasn't expecting that. What kind of weird person would even think about mistreating Kirstie?

"Kirst, find someone else. Someone you deserve."
"Do I deserve you?"


"You're the greatest friend." Kirstie smiled up at me, before settling back down to her original spot.

A few minutes later she dozed off, leaning on my shoulder.
Kirstie deserves someone amazing. I just hope she finds that one person she will fall in love with.

Until that day, I'll always be here for her.


Next chapter is gonna be great!

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