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(Esther's Pov)

Me and Kevin have planned a small party tonight for Pentatonix, and so far none of them know about me and Kevin. I'm nervous because I'm starting something new, but excited to tell everyone. I stood with a notebook in my hands, planning the order of the songs for future concerts.

Soon, a pair of warm hands placed themselves on the shoulders, making me jump.

"Kevin?" He pulled his hands away from me, and I turned to face him. Just seeing his face made me smile.

"What're you doing?" He asked me, looking to my notebook. "Just planning you're next concert." He smiles at me, and takes my hands in his. "Are you ready?" "For what?" I reply, even though I know what he means. "For tonight", he says, jokingly, "how are you feeling about it?" I bite my lip, telling him the truth. "Nervous. Very nervous." Kevin looks more serious now, but knows I'm overreacting.

"How are you feeling about it?" I ask him. "Honestly", he starts, "very good. Because I'm really proud that I have you." He says sweetly, making me blush.

(Kirstie's Pov)

After Tori Kelly coming to our show, and Mitch acting weird I have a lot on my mind now.

-Why is Tori spending all her time with Scott today? We have a few more days in Nevada, but she's spending most of her time with Scott.

-What is up with Mitch? Recently he's been apart from the group and hasn't been talking to anyone more than necessary. Is it my fault? I should go ask him.

I stood up in my hotel room (we got to have our own hotel rooms for a few days!), and went to the door.

As it swings open, I catch myself looking slightly above at someone I want to see. "Mitch?" I ask in confusion. He simply stares at me, without saying anything. I step to the left, allowing him to come into my room. When he comes inside, he goes and sits on the large bed, patting the space beside him for me to sit.

"Mitch, what's wrong?" My question is still unanswered as I take my seat next to him.

"Mitch?" I call out again, and this time he answers me.

"I need to talk to you about something." He says with a straight face. "I have never seen you this serious, what is it?" I reach over to touch his hand, to comfort him, but once I do he pulls back sharply. When he finally looks me in the eyes, he looks tired. Tired, angry, upset, he just looked like he needed comforting. And that was all I was trying to do. I reach over to him again, but slower this time so he sees me coming.

Maybe he just pulled away because I startled him...

But then again; maybe not. I've always thought I was the problem but know I really feel like I'm the cause of Mitch's unhappiness in the past few days. Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. I turn back to look at Mitch, and he stars to speak.

(Scott's Pov)

When I come back to me and Mitch's hotel room, he's no longer there. Pulling out my phone, I have a message from him saying that he's gone to talk to someone. Anyone else would think Mitch isn't making any sense but I'm his best friend. He's obviously gone to talk to Kirstie, because he needs to settle things straight between them and he did tell me he needs to tell her his secret. Thinking that he might need a little encouragement, I leave our room and head to Kirstie's.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So there you have it, another almost 700-word chapter.

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