Are You?

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Just about to go to my basketball practise when I realized I didn't ever name this chapter... Whoops!


(Scott's Pov)

Once we got onto the stage, and Kevin came running after us, the crown started cheering so loud. Looking out at everything here, feels like the first time we performed, on the sing off. And because of that, we are where we are now; standing on a stage, with bright lights in massive theatre, with one of the greatest crowds I've ever seen.

And then we started to sing.

(Kirstie's Pov)

We started off with daft punk, like we did back in New York. Everything just feels like a dream, especially standing right here, next to Mitch.

As we get through more and more songs, I steal more and more glances at Mitch. Just after aha, I turn around to look at Mitch.

Surprised he's looking strait at me, I turn away again. Scott's doing all the talking, telling the audience that Kevin's got a surprise.

Looking back at Mitch, I smile when I see him still looking at me. He gives me a thumbs up, and we start heading off stage so Kevin can do his cello song.

(Scott's Pov)

As we exited the stage, I bring Mitch into our dressing room, away from Kirstie.

"What?" He says harshly.

"Looks like someone doesn't want to be taken away from there one true love..." I say, mockingly. realization hits him, and his face gets redder. 

"How did you guess?"

Mitch looks confused and embarrassed, but I sit down on the small table, and smirk. "Mitch, you're always eyeing each other. It's not that difficult." He sits down on the couch, placing his head in his hands.

Taking the silence as an invitation (which I probably shouldn't have), I spoke to him again. "Why didn't you tell me you weren't gay?" I just wanted to ask, but now my feeling get the best of me, because I'm his best friend!

Mitch gave me a blank, yet angry look. 

"I'm right, aren't I?" I know I'm right.

"Yes Scott, you are." Mitch dragged out, walking to the door. Me and Mitch never fight about anything, but sometimes we get angry at each other and tell no one. Not even the rest of the band. 

(Mitch's Pov)

Without saying another word, I left our dressing room. I was having second thoughts as I came up to Kirstie's dressing room door, and decided not to know. 

Should I? Should I just walk away? I mean, I might as well do it-

"Mitch?" Someone says, pulling me out of my own little argument inside my head. I look up, seeing Kirstie in the open doorway.

"Hi Kirst..." I say, trying to not be nervous, but I can't help it. 

Kirstie doesn't seem to have any suspicions, which is good.

She takes my hand, leading us towards the other end of the hall. 

(Kirstie's Pov)

I smile at Mitch before we go to meet some fans. He smiles back too, but it's more of a nervous smile than a happy one. 

"Where's Scott?" I ask him, in an effort to break the ice. 

"Just getting ready." Mitch says a little too quickly.

As Avi and Kevin meet up with us, we all walk through the large door, to be greeted with faces of our fans. Realizing me and Mitch are still holding hands, I pull mine away from him. 

It's sad that we ended up avoiding each other's eyes for the rest of the night.

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