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(Scott's Pov)

Today is our last show of 2014, and I'm so excited!

Being on tour can be pressurizing, and I just don't know how the rest of the group wants to do it all year round. I can't wait to be back at home...

I've been thinking more and more about postponing our next shows, and tour, but I don't want to go against my best friends.

I've decided to go talk to Mitch about it.

(Mitch's Pov)

I don't really want to go out in front of tons of people, when I'm feeling like this.

Travis called me earlier, but I didn't pick up the phone.

Just after I got over everything, and I have been thinking about someone recently, my whole world flips upside down.

Should I call him?

"Mitch?" Well, that decides everything.

Scott opens the door to my dressing room, and sits across from me.

"Hey Julie."

"Oh hey Amanda, what're you doing?" I reply, and I smile.

"Just wanted to ask you something."

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I'm a little nervous." Scott's Nervous? Sometimes I envy him, because he never gets nervous.

"You are?" He nods his head, "Why?"

"I haven't really talked to anyone yet but..."

"But what?" He usually just blurts out whatever he's thinking.


He sighs, and turns to face me.

"I just can't do this."

"Do what?" I ask way too many questions.

"Pentatonix. Tour. I want to leave."


He wants to leave?

"I don't want to have this life, Mitch."


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I know, short chapter again.
Also, I'm not sure why but all of a sudden I can't write anything happy, but I promise to actually have something happy in the next 2 chapters. Thanks!

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