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(Mitch's Pov)

What nobody knows;
-I'm actually bisexual now
-I only said that because I may or may not like a girl...

Kirstie knows the first one, but she promised not to tell anyone. Right now she's probably thinking about why I don't want anyone else to know. She's probably gonna think that it's a little suspicious...

(Kirstie's Pov)

FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW MITCH LIKES GIRLS! I don't even care if it's strange that he only wants me to know!

(Scott's Pov)

Once Kirstie and Mitch got back, Kirstie looked like she could explode from excitement any second. Deciding to stay in my bunk, I checked twitter.

As I was halfway through fan's questions for Superfruit, when someone shakes the curtain to my bunk.

"Kirstie?" I ask, as I push the curtain to the side. She looks worried, and she takes my silent invitation to talk by sitting next to me.

"Scott?" Kirstie is pretty much whispering, but I go along with it. "What is it?" I whisper back.

"I think I might have gotten myself into something that is hard to get out of..." She trails off, looking away.

My head tilts, asking her to continue.

"I like someone." Kirstie bites her lip, and gathers the courage to look up.

"Oh, I see." Kirstie never tells anyone if she's into someone, unless she really likes them.

"Kirstie who is it?" I say, when she doesn't make an effort to tell me.

"I don't think you'll like this Scott."

"Kirst, the only reason I wouldn't approve is if it's Jeremy." My efforts are rewarded with a giggle from her.

"No it's someone else."

"Good." I know that sometimes I push too much, but I really want to know who this mystery guy is.

"That someone is very close to us right now." Close to us? I mean Mitch is above my bunk-

"MITCH!" I scream, and remember afterwards that she did say he was close to us...

"Yeah?" Comes from above me and Kirstie, and she turns to face me with a death threat as an expression. Her face starts to redden, so I play along with it.

"Mitch, are you bored?" The only creative thing I could come up with. We heard shuffling above, and soon Mitch sat in Avi's bunk across from us.

"We just got back Scott, I don't get bored as quickly as you do." He said with a straight face, making Kirstie laugh.

Soon the three of us got chatting, and we all ended up on Kirstie's bunk, with me in between my best friends. The whole time, I'm only focusing on their eyes, which keep stealing glances at each other. I know what's going on here. And I approve.

Hang on, Mitch doesn't like girls...

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys! I'm really trying to update more often, even if the chapters aren't as long.

I'm still really behind in homework, and the only thing I do well in school is the tests. I usually get marks off for homework, because it's late... But even if my schedule is full, I try my best to update for you!

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