Hello Mr Jones

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As Emma and her mystery man were walking walking along the beach hand in hand all she could think about his eyes, they were ridiculous, they were as blue as the ocean, she fell in love with him because of those eyes.
I love you
She said as she turned and faced the love of her life.
Wake up Emma, it's your first day at college
Just like that she woke up, and just like the summer vacation the mans of her dreams was gone. Emma got out of bed and grabbed all her toiletries and went to have a quick shower. 10 minutes late she came out in just her underwear, she  grabbed the first items of clothing she could find, she was still in the process of unpacking after moving to her new dorm, she pulled on her denim shorts, black vest top and a red plaid shirt, she searched around for her bag, she found it under a pile of stuff she had just thrown in to the corner. She checked she had everything, put on her shoes and left for class. Emma was studying theatre, she loved to perform but she was just a bit scared when it came to putting her emotions into it. She got to the auditorium,
She thought to herself as she saw her new class mates,
'There are more people here then I thought there would be'
She went in and found a seat, another girl then came in and sat next to her
Hi I'm Regina, but everyone calls me Queenie, what's your name?
Emma didn't want to be rude but she didn't like the look of this girl.
Emma, my names Emma Swan, nice to meet you Reg..I mean Queenie
They shook hands
You know what Em, I can tell we are going to be best friends
Emma couldn't of thought of anything worse
Yeah I know
Emma was thinking of ways to get out of having a full on conversation with her new bff when suddenly the door of the auditorium opened
Sorry I'm late everyone
Emma looked in the direction of where this strange voice came from, as she looked she saw a tall dark haired stranger, with a coffee in one hand and a laptop bag in the other. He put his stuff down on a desk, turned to the board and started writing.
Performing 101
Killian Jones
He turned around and walked in front of his desk, he sat on it as he introduced himself to his new class.
Welcome everyone to performing 101, I'm your tutor Killian Jones. Before we go on I am very aware I have a different accent to the rest of you and I know most of you are thinking oh he is British how exotic, please don't ask me if I have had tea with the queen because the answer is no, I haven't, not in a long time anyway
This made Emma chuckle to herself. The lesson went on and through out the whole time all Emma could think about was Killian's eyes and how blue they were, just like the man in her dream that morning. Just as Emma was starting to have very inappropriate thoughts about what her and Killian could do on the desk the bell rang, everyone packed up their stuff and left, as Emma was leaving
Miss Swan, is it?
Just hearing him say her name gave her chills
Yeah that's me but you can call me Emma
Can I have a word with you please
Yeah of course
She walked over to him as he was sitting on the front of his desk.
You didn't seem to enjoy my lecture, is something wrong swan?
Swan? Really? And is he really asking me what's wrong, maybe I should tell him I found out all the ways I could have sex with him on this desk.
No I really enjoyed it, nothing is wrong.
Are you sure because if there is I guess you could come to me unless you would rather go to your adviser, who is your adviser swan?
She  looked at her schedule to see who her adviser was.
Oh, my advise is you Mr Jones,
Really? And honestly Swan, call me Killian.
Ok Killian, well I better get going as I have somewhere to be right now, bye
Bye Swan.
She left the room as quickly as possible because hearing him call her swan like they were so close was making her blush. Emma went to the library to get some books for performing 101. She took the books and went back to her dorm room, Emma had a room all to herself, that's how she liked it. Whilst she was trying to read all she could think about was Killian. She was making up little scenarios in her head, Killian would be in his class making papers and Emma would walk in
Swan what are you doing here.
Killian I need your help, I just cannot concentrate in class.
And why is that?
Well I'm actually a little embarrassed to say.
Come on Swan it's just me here, what's on your mind.
She walks up to him whilst he is in his chair and she sits on the desk and puts her feet up on his chair either side of him.
Well ever since the first lecture I keep having these strange thoughts.
Killian raises his eyebrow
And what kind of thought are you having miss Swan?
Thoughts about me, you and this desk.
As Emma carries on thinking about all these little scenarios in her head she get more and more turned on, she starts playing with her own breast, then slowly runs her hands down her stomach and under her panties. Thinking of Killian is driving her mad, she needed to do something. So she did what any girl would do and finished herself off, bringing herself to pure ecstasy. She didn't know how she was going to face Killian the next day for their first 1 to 1 session.


After his first lesson of the semester all Killian wanted to do was to go home and relax, but he couldn't, he he could do was think of the gorgeous blonde haired freshman he had met that day
Emma Swan
Her name rolled of his tough and as it did all these thoughts came rushing in to his mind, all he could think about was Emma laying on his desk moaning, in distracted him so much he forgot that he was driving and swerved a little. He made it home safely. He went in side and still all he could think of was Emma
For god sake Killian what are you thinking she is your student, you will loose your job if you went there.
Despite knowing what would happen to him all he wanted to do was lay her on his desk, rip her clothes of a kiss every inch of her body. Then he remembered that they had their first 1 to 1 session the next day, it put a big smirk on his face, maybe he might get what he wants after all.

*...hey guys hope your enjoying the story so far, please let me know what you think in the comments as I would love to hear your feedback, I will try to keep the updates coming very regularly, thank your for reading my CS fanfic...*

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