Meet my brother

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[quick authors note: I know Robin and emma as siblings is odd but oh well haha, and to explain robins family, the hoods, adopted Emma. Legally she is called emma hood but she calls herself emma swan as it was her original name]

Emma woke up the next day and started getting ready for class. She looks at her phone and sees a text from her brother
"Hey Swany, just letting you know I will be at yours around 4, see you then, love Roby"
"ROBY, can't wait to see you, have so much to tell you, see you then"
Emma was excited about seeing her brother, they haven't seen each other since Robin left to live in England. She was so happy all day counting down the hours till she saw her brother, at the end of her lecture as everyone was leaving Emma looked up and saw a face she hadn't seen in a while
She dropped her bag on the floor ran up to her brother and jumped on him,
Hello Swany.
Omg I've missed you so much.
You too Em.
She got off him and pulled him out of the way of the doors so they could talk
How have you been? How is England?
I've been great, and I live in London now, which is also wonderful.
How about Marian? And my little nephew Roland how are they?
That's a long story why don't we talk about that later?
Ok then.
How about you? How's University?
It's amazing, I've made some awesome friends...
As Emma was talking Robin caught sight of Killian
Oi, Jones.
Killian turns and looks at Robin and Emma.
Bloody hell, Hood.
They walk up to each other and have a man hug.
How are you mate?
I'm great thanks, how are you?
I'm great. What are you doing here?
I'm here to see my little sis?
Who's that then?
I think she is one of your students, Emma Swan?
Swans your sister?
Yes she is. I take it she is one of your students.
Er yeah, yeah she is.
Emma walks over.
How do you to know each other?
Well Swan, me and your brother went University together.
And not only that but we were roomies.
So my brother and my b...tutor were roommates?
Yes we were.
Oh well that's just fantastic. Well Roby we better get going as I've got some plans for us tonight.
Okay then, see you later Jones, and please can we meet up for a pint or something while I'm here?
Course we can. Bye mate.
Robin walks off
So your best mates with my brother.
I didn't bloody know he was your brother, how was I meant to know.
Oh god we cannot let him know.
No shit, look you better go before he comes back, see ya later love.
Bye Killian.
Emma goes after her brother, they go back to her dorm and talk about their lives. They get to Emma's dorm.
So are you going to tell me about Marian now?
Fine, she left me.
What? But you two were perfect together.
Well clearly not enough.
What happened?
She decided she would rather have sex with our neighbour instead of me.
What about Roland?
Well he is currently with Marion and Zelena?
Who is Zelena? Her sister?
No, the neighbour.
She left you for a woman?
Oh Roby I'm so sorry.
Yeah well it's done now, it's not like could do anything about it, unless I got a sex change but I like my penìs so that wasn't gonna happen.
Well we are going to a party tonight maybe you could take your mind of it all?
Brilliant lets get ready.
Time goes on and they are getting ready, Emma is sitting on her bed doing her make-up
So what about you Swany?
What about me?
Are you with anyone?
Erm, no, no I'm not.
Oh come on em, do you think I don't know when my sister is lying.
Well to be honest this is not something I like to talk about with my brother.
Oh come on, I told you about my lesbian wife, you can tell me anything.
Well I am seeing someone but it's not anything big, there happy.
Thanks for sharing sis, so can I meet him?
Ok then.
Someone knocks on the door
Can you get that for me please?
Robin goes and answers the door.
Hi is Emma here?
Yes she is, and who may you be?
I'm Regina, are you Robert?
I think you mean Robin? And yes I am.
Well nice to meet you Robin.
You too Regina, please come in.
Hey Em.
Hey Queenie, I need your help.
What's wrong?
What should I wear?
Well it depends do you want to dress to impress?
No, I won't be needing to impress anyone tonight.
What about that bloke you are seeing will he not be at this party tonight?
Oh you told him?
Well there is nothing really to tell other then the fact I'm kinda seeing someone, not really a serious thing though, right Queenie?
Yeah they ain't serious.
They continue to get ready, not really saying much about Emma and her new man because Emma doesn't want to explain it all to Robin. They head off to the party, they have a wonderful time, Emma notices Killian at the party, but tries to avoid him a bit, she then notices Robin and Regina have disappeared, she goes to look for them, she goes in to one room and disrupts a couple kissing
Oh sor...OMG
She realises the couple is Robin and Regina
Oh bollockś
Em this is not what it looks like.
Oh good, for a minute there I thought it was my best friend kissing my STILL MARRIED brother, screw you guys.
Emma wait
Emma leaves, as she is making her quick get away she is spotted by Killian. She goes back to her dorm. She goes inside and locks the door. Someone knocks.
I don't want to talk to either of you right now.
Swan open up its me.
Yes, Swan open the door please.
She opens the door and embraces Killian.
What's wrong Swan I saw you run out the party, what happened?
I walked in on my brother and best friend making out.
Oh that's not something you want to see.
They go inside Emma's room. They lay on Her bed, Killian holds her in his arms to comfort her, Emma looks him in the eyes, they share a passionate kiss, their kiss is interrupted by Robin and Regina walking in
What the hell is going on?!

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