After Party Fun

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[this chapter isn't in either Killian's or Emma's POV]

Emma quickly got the door open, they rush in and Emma shuts the door, Killian pushes her up against the door, holds her head and kisses her passionately, he finds the zipper on the back of her dress, unzips it. She undoes a couple of the buttons on his shirt then pull it of him. Emma, in her underwear and heels pushes the shirtless Killian to the bed, she pushes him down, kicks of her heels then climbs on top of him. They kiss, Killian pulls Emma in closely then flips her over so he is now on top, he starts to kiss her then slowly starts kissing down to her neck, along her collar bone, down between her breasts, down her stomach and then stops just above her pants, he slowly starts to take them off, Emma bites her lip, he starts to kiss her inner thigh, then starts to move further up till he meets her already wet püśšÿ, as his tongue meets her ćłït Emma grips the sheets and arches her back, then Killian slips in one of his fingers which makes Emma let out a very loud moan, she can feel her orgasm building and the more she groaned the more Killian picked up the pace, with his tongue and fingers, just as he was about to climax he stopped, which made Emma whine, she looked at Killian as if she was asking why he stopped, he started to undo his belt, with that hint Emma crawled her nearly naked self to him, she pulled his Jeans and pants down to reveal his big hard çòçk, she sat on the edge of the bed and took his çòçk in her mouth, she held on to his very firm butt. She teased at first then took his whole çòçk down her throat, which made Killian groan, he put his hand on the back of her head, he lightly tugged on her hair which made her moan on his çòçk, he could feel he was getting closer, he pulled his çòçk out of her mouth, took his trousers and pant of completely, picker her up by the butt and threw her on to the bed. He checked his wallet.
Killian it's fine, I'm on the pill.
Thank god.
He put his wallet down, climbed on the bed, positioned himself between Emma's legs, she gave home as if she was begging him, he lined his çòçk up with her püššÿ and rammed his çòçk in, Emma let out a huge moan, he carried on ramming his çòçk until she managed to flip him over so she could take control and ride him, again Killian started moaning, he held her butt whilst she rode him, she could feel herself reaching climax, she rode a little harder and finally let out a huge groan, Killian still hadn't finished with her he picked her up off him and bent her over, he pushed her head into the bed and started fùçkîńg her from behind which not only brought Killian to finish but also brought Emma a second orgasm. Once they finished they laid on the bed exhausted, they looked at each other and smiled. They shared a kiss. They pulled the covers over them and fell asleep.

The alarm went of the next morning when they woke up they realised it was morning,
Morning love.
Morning Killian.
You sleep well?
Yeah did you?
Best sleep I've had in a while.
What's wrong Swan?
We have a lecture with you in 30 mins.
And it's fine to be late.
I'm more worried about the fact that we have to get you out of here without anyone seeing you.
Oh shit.
They rush around trying to get ready, Killian realises he has to wear what he wore for the party the night before. They decide that Emma will leave first and if the coast is clear Killian can leave, they leave Emma's room without being seen, they make it to the lecture just in time, Killian walks in like nothing is wrong and Emma just goes and sits next to Regina.
Hey em, your lucky Mr Jones was nearly late late to.
Yeah I guess
Looks like Mr Jones got lucky last night
He is wearing what he had on last night, clearly he didn't go home.
Oh yeah I guess so.
Where did you go last night em?
I didn't feel to good so I left, sorry I didn't let you know, I didn't wanna ruin your night.
You couldn't last night.
Why's that?
I finally got with Neal.
Omg that awesome.
I know.
As the lecture goes on Regina notices Emma keeps looking at Killian and smiling, she also catches Killian smirking at Emma every now and then. The lesson ends.
Hey em, can I talk to you about something it's really important.
Yeah what's up?
Maybe we can go back to yours?
Yeah of course.
They walk back to Emma's room, which still is a mess from the night before.
So, what's up?
How did you get home last night em?
I got a lift.
Who from?
Mr Jones, is that what you wanted to talk about?
No, what I wanted to talk about was the fact that after he gave you a lift you came back here and had sex.
What are you talking about?!
Don't lie to me Emma I saw the way you were both looking at each other today.
Your being ridiculous Regina.
Emma you came in the room glowing today, just talk to me about it, it's not like I'm going to tell anyone, I'm your friend.
You can't tell a soul.
I promise.
She goes on to tell Regina everything.
Oh my god, I'm so jealous.
Oh stop it.
Is he any good in bed?
Yes tell me.
He is... Amazing. His body is just fantastic.
Oh god Em. So are you to like together now?
Well we haven't talked about that yet.
Do you want to be?
Yeah, I guess I do.
Awww Emma.
Oh shut up Queenie.
Emma's phone starts to ring.
Is that him?
Go on answer your lover.
Hey Killian, what's up? Oh tonight, yeah I guess I can, ok, yeah, great I'll see you then. Bye.
He just asked me if I wanna go on a date with him tonight
Omg em, this is amazing, what time?
Well we better get you ready.

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