A Real Date

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[in this chapter I have decided to make them wear what they word on their first date in OUAT]

So Emma ran around like a maniac getting ready for her date with Killian, she was showing Regina outfit after outfit but none of them were right.
Did he say where you were going?
So how does he expect you to get ready.
Why don't you text him?
Because he will just say 'it's a surprise'.
Yeah I guess.
Here try this one.
Regina hands Emma a baby pink dress
You like?
Yeah I really do, what shoes tho ?
These ones.
I like. Thank Queenie
No problem.
Emmas phone goes off.
That's him he is downstairs.
Have fun.
Thanks and you can chill here as long as you want just make sure you lock the door when you leave.
Ok Em, see ha later.
Emma goes and finds Killian, who is all in black. He has a single red rose for her.
Wow love you look gorgeous.
Thanks, not to be yourself.
I know.
So modest.
So shall we go?
Okay, where are we going ?
It's a suprise love.
They drive for what seems like hours, they end up at a sea food restaurant, the Jolly Rodger.
Your taking me to a ship?
Ignore the name love, it may be named after a ship but it's the greatest seafood restaurant.
Ok I'll believe you.
They go in.
Table for two, under the name Killian Jones
Welcome to the Jolly Rodger, please follow me, your table is is way.
They sit at the table
I'm not gonna lie Killian, I'm s bit upset there are not more pirates here.
Do you like pirates then swan?
Yeah I guess I do a bit.
Well when me and my brother were younger we would pretend we were pirates.
Aww that's so cute.
Yeah, I would hide my hand in my shirt and pretend I had a hook for a hand, I made Liam, my brother call me Captain Hook.
Ok I'm so totally calling you Hook now.
I think it suits you.
Ok then love.
I didn't know you had a brother.
Aye, my big brother Liam.
Are you close?
We were.
What happened.
He stopped talking to me.
Oh no.
Yeah, he decided one day he didn't want to be my brother anymore and just told me to fück off basically.
Oh I'm sorry.
Don't worry it's been a few years now.
Ok, Hook.
Oh god, your really going to call me that.
Well you call me Swan, why can't I call you Hook?
Because I have both my hands.
Well I can't call you Captain Hand can I?
Fair play. Well you could just call me Killian, as its my name.
Nah, I prefer Hook.
Alright love.
They go on to have the best night of their lives, the meal is fantastic. They talk, they laugh, they get emotional, they do everything, they have the perfect first date. Killian drives Emma home.
Thanks for tonight, hook.
Haha very funny love.
I'm serious though thank you for tonight I had a great time.
Thank you for agreeing to come with me
They stop before they get to college, they don't want to be seen.
Look, Killian, I know this is going to completely contradict what happened last night but..
You don't want think to move to quickly, I understand love.
Really, your not just saying that so I think your amazing?
No course not, I already know you think I'm amazing.
Your so full of it.
So was you last night.
Oh my you cheeky bastard.
I'm sorry love couldn't resist.
Your so gonna pay for that.
I look forward to seeing you try and get me back.
Goodnight Killian.
What no kiss?
He grabs her arm and pulls her in for a kiss.
I thought I said no?
Well you didn't really stop me love.
She smirks and kisses him again then gets out the car and goes back to her room, she goes in and is greeted by Regina.
So how was it?
Your still here?
Don't change the subject how was your date with Mr Jones?
Firstly could you please call him Killian and secondly it went great.
That's it?
What do you expect me to tell you?
Eurgh, fine.
So Emma tele Regina everything.
So do you like him?
What do you mean? Of course I do, why else would I go on a date with him?
Well you had just had sex with him last night maybe you felt bad?
No, Regina, I like him ok.
Why are you so happy?
Yes Regina, I'm pretty sure after the secret I have told you that you can tell me anything, we are friends remember?
Fine, I think Neal has a thing for you and I didn't want you to feel the same things back.
Neal? Regina do not worry. Not only do I have Killian but I have no feelings for Neal, he is so not my type.
Oh good, I feel so silly.
Don't, I would be the same, and trust me when I say he really likes you.
You really think so?
I know so I see the way he looks at you.
Thanks em
No problem, oh yeah I need to ask, are you and everyone free tomorrow?
Yeah, why?
My brother is coming to visit.
You have a brother?
Well he is my adopted brother.
Aw that's sweet, when did your parents adopt him?
Actually I'm the one who was adopted.
Oh sorry.
It's cool, they are my family now.
That's nice, so what's your brothers name?

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