Family matters

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its been 3 weeks since emma found out about her parents, each day Killian would get a text from David asking if Emma wants to meet them, after the first week he gave up because he didn't think she wanted to know them. It was Saturday morning, Emma and Killian decided to watch television whilst having breakfast, Emma was in control of what was on the television, she decided to watch say yes to the dress, she wanted inspiration for her wedding dress, as she was watching it she was thinking about her birth parents.
Killian looked at her with a mouth full of food.
I have decided that, I would like to talk to David and Mary-Margaret.
Are you sure Swan?
Yes, but I have conditions.
Which are?
They have to meet us here.
You have to be present.
I'll be here.
And I want Robin here, they have to understand that he will always be my brother no matter who my parents are.
I'll text him and David and let them know, should I arrange it for today?
Yes please.
Ok love, I'll sort it out.
Killian texts Robin first to make sure he is available and if he is ok being there, he agrees to it. Killian then texts David letting him know what Emma wants and David agrees to it all, they decide to come round at 1. Killian then text Robin and he says he will be there at 12 incase they are early.
Right love, Robin will be here at 12. David and Mary-Margaret will be here at 1. That alright?
Thank you Killy.
No problem, now we better get ready we only have an hour.
They go upstairs and start getting ready.
Yes love.
I'm getting in the shower.
Alright love.
I'm inviting you to come and shower with me.


2 hours laters they are finally ready. Just in time as there is a knock at the door. Its Robin.
Hey Robin.
Alright mate.
Hello mate, Hey Em how are you?
Im good thanks.
Dya fancy something to drink mate?
Thanks mate, ill have a tea please.
I don't know, ill just have a soda please.
Alright love.
Killian goes to do the drinks, Emma and Robin go and sit in the living room.
Are you sure your ready for this Em?
If i wasn't i wouldn't agree to meet them.
I know but i just want to make sure.
I know, thank you for looking out for me.
Killian returns with the drinks.
Tea for Robin, water for me and a soda for milady.
Yeah, me and Hook watched pirates of the Caribbean last night and now he keeps calling me it.
I see no wrong in it.
Aye there is nothing wrong with being a gentleman.
They start laughing and joking, but the fun is soon interrupted by a knock, Emmas heart sinks in to her stomach, Robin put his arm around her, Killian goes and answers the door.
David, Mary-Margaret.
Hello Killian.
Thank you for having us.
Please come in, would you like a drink?
Water please.
Yeah ill have a water too.
2 waters coming up, Emma is in the living room.
David and Mary-Margaret go in to the living room. Emma is frozen, Robin gets up and introduces himself.
Hello Mr and Mrs Nolan, I am Robin Hood, Emma's brother, pleased to meet you.
They both shake his hand.
Its very nice to meet you too Robin.
Killian returns with the waters, he puts them on the coffee table and sits next to Emma, Robin joins him and sit the other side of Emma.
Please come sit down, here are your drinks.
Thank you.
They sit on the sofa opposite Emma, Robin and Killian.
There is an awkward, tense silence. Until.
Why did you abandon me?
Don't call me that.
Emma, we didn't abandon you.
Ok why did you give me away?
We was scared.
Thats it? Thats the reason you gave me away, you were scared?
Its not just that, we were very young, and our families were at war.
My father, James, tried to kill Mary.
I was married to a woman named Kathryn, she was a very wealthy woman, which my father loved, but i didn't, she was a lot older then me. I then met Mary-Margaret and started seeing her behind Kathryn's back, my father found out. My dad was a very powerful man.
What do you mean powerful?
He was involved with some very bad people, and because he didn't want me to leave Kathryn, he had them people attack Mary.
One night i was leaving work, waiting to be picked up by my chauffeur.
Hang on, you have a chauffeur, that means you have to have a bit of money surely?
Well yes but not only was Kathryn filthy rich but she was also a daughter of one of the men James was involved with.
Oh ok.
So as i was saying, when i got picked up i thought something wasn't right, but i didn't know what. We were driving along and i could feel the speed picking up, i went to talk to my driver and saw there wasn't anyone there.
How was the car still moving then?
They had put on auto drive but disabled the speed and put a something heavy on the accelerator. The car crashed and i was left for dead, luckily someone found me and called an ambulance and i was taken to hospital just in time. That night was the worst and best of my life.
Well although i nearly died, i found out i was having you.
Hang on i survived?
What can i say your our little survivor. So we found out we were having a baby, but James also found out, not only was he annoyed i survived but he was pissed about you. So we planned to run away together.
We was already to go, we were at my apartment when a knock came at the door. I was arrested for the attempted murder of Mary-Margaret. My dad set me up. I was in prison a long time.
In that time i had you, i didn't know how long David was going to be gone and neither did he, so we decided to put you up for adoption. We have regretted it for so long, and we tried to find you but we had no way.
It was a closed adoption, it wasn't till i got told about you and Killian that i even knew you were at that college. We know we screwed up, and we don't expect you to forgive us.
But we want you to know if you do, that we will do anything to make it up to you, and obviously we don't want to take the place of the parents that brought you up, and we wouldn't stop you from seeing your brother. All we want is you in our lives someway.
Emma sits in silence Robin has him arm around her whilst Killian holds her hand.
Is there anything you want to say love?
They all stare at Emma.
I want them to leave. I need time to think all this through.
Ok, we will go.
Killian sees them out. Emma cuddles her brother and cries. She has no idea what to do.

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