Party time

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Emma, Regina, Neal, Cora and Graham all arrive at the party, Ruby comes running towards them.
'Someone's been drinking haha'
Emma chuckles to herself
Oh my god guys you will never believe who is here, you know that girl Milah, well she is here, and she brought her brother, did I mention her brother is MR JONES.
'Oh shit, not the time to be dressed like this'
Killian has spotted Emma and her friends and walks over
Hello Swan, Regina.
Hi Mr Jones, and seriously call me Queenie.
Hey Kil, Mr Jones.
I didn't know you were related to Milah.
Yes, but obviously where I'm a teacher she doesn't like admitting it, I mean she hates the fact that most students have a 'crush' on me.
Yeah that makes sense.
'I seriously can't be near him, he looks ridiculously hot right now'
I'm gonna go get a drink I'll be back.
I'll come with you Swan, my one is running low.
They walk off together to get a drink, they get to the drink table
Swan you are killing me, how am I meant to look at you when you are dressed like that.
Well I wasn't expecting to see you tonight.
Yes I know that was unexpected, so who are those lads with you.
Awww is little Killy jealous?
No, I just wanted to know as they wont stop staring at you.
They are Neal and Graham, they are friends with Queenie.
I think they like you.
What, don't be stupid Killian.
What I'm just saying it how I see things, and I know that look.
And how do you know that look Killian, are you some kind of love expert.
No, although my friend Kristoff is, no what I mean is I know that they like you because they look at you the way I look at you Swan.
You like me?
Well of course, I thought you knew that, I mean I don't just kiss people for no reason.
I thought you just...
Just wanted to have sex with you, at first I did, but now I feel something when I'm near you.
I, I, I have to go
Swan wait
Emma runs out the house, and relishes she can't get home because Regina drove her, she turns around to see Killian standing at the door.
What's wrong Swan?
I just wanted to go home and I realise I can't.
Why's that?
Regina drove me here.
Ah, well that puts you in a difficult situation.
Yeah it does.
Fancy a lift?
No, don't worry I'll get a taxi or something.
No you won't, come on, I wanted to leave anyway.
She follows him to his car
'What am I doing, I can't be alone with him'
Come on love, I don't bite.
I know it's just are you sure you don't mind.
I wouldn't have offered if I did.
She get in his car, the car ride is long, silent and awkward. After Killian admitting he has feelings for Emma she dosnt know how to feel about it, she does have feelings for him too but she is scared, the last time she told someone how she felt was with her ex Walsh, he was he high school sweetheart she lost her viginity to him on prom night then the next day he dumped her for her best friend lily. They get to Emmas dorm. Killian walks Emma to her room
So Swan I'll see you tomorrow for our meeting.
Bye Swan.
Killian goes to walk away but Emma grabs his arm and pulls him in to her and kisses him, his hands are firmly on her butt and her arms are wrapped around his neck.

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