What to do about Mr Jones

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A couple weeks went by after EMMAS first 1-1 with Killian, in today's lesson she was prepared for him, the task was to write a seductive or confessional monologue to perform for auditions, and it was the female class mates turns today, Killian divided it to see who was better at subduction men or women, so today one by one the girls had to perform their monologues and say them to Killian as if they were trying to seduce or confess to his character. Each girl went up 1 by 1 they all did their best and so far in his eyes they were drawing with the male team, the final girl to perform was Emma, she walked up to the chair in front of Killian, sat down, crossed her legs and started.
So Killian, there has been something I've been meaning to tell you, this isn't something that I find easy to do
She moves the chair so she is closer to Killian she starts rubbing his leg
Recently I've been really, well distracted by something, and, well the thing is I've been having these thoughts,
As she says this Killian goes from leaning back in his chair to leaning forward, they are both very close, there faces are so close they could be kissing, the tension is rising dramatically between them.
These thoughts include a guy I just met, this guys is all i can think about at the moment, I keep thinking about all the fun we could have, but then I remember that he is what is classed as off limits, but the fact that he is of limits makes it even more of a turn on to me. I just keep imagining all the of the filthy think I want to do with him and the more I think of it the more distracted I get and whenever I see him I just get this urge rip his clothes off and kiss every part of his body.
She leans in a little more as if she is going to kiss him and closes her eyes she whispers
What do you think?
She opens her eyes, smirks and slowly pulls away from him
Yes, well done Swan, well done indeed
She returns to her seat
Well everyone I think it is safe to say that this weeks winners are the girls, sorry lads, maybe next time, and that's it for today don't forget that their is a reading list for this class and you never know when I could drop one of the books in to the conversation. Miss Swan can I talk to you please.
Yeah course
'I wonder what he wants to talk to me about'
See you later em
Bye Queenie
Killian leans against the desk and Emma goes and stands in front of him
So was that seduction or a confession?
What do you think it was Killian?
Well I don't know, I mean no one else used real life stories where as you, you used something you have already confessed to me so it makes me think it was seduction.
Emma gets very close to Killian and once again starts rubbing his leg but this time she slowly creeps closer to his groin,
Well done Mr Jones you guessed correctly
So this lad you keep thinking about its me?
What gave me away?
Maybe the fact that you practically kissed me in the monologue or maybe the fact of where your hand is right now after the class has ended which makes me think it's not part of the act.
Would you like me to stop?
What I want is to lock the door, lay you on this table, take of every item of clothing and do unspeakable things to you.
At this point Emma leans in and finally does the one thing she has wanted to do for a while, she kisses Killian, as she does his hands go straight to the back of her head, and her arms wrap around his waist.
God swan you don't know how long I have wanted to do that.
He kisses her again, whilst they kiss they move round to his chair, she pushes him down and gets on top of him, they start passionately kissing again and whilst they kiss she starts slowly grinding against him, letting him know she wants so much more then a kiss.
Wait swan, we can't do this, not here if we get caught I will be in so much shit.
Fine, but this is not over Killian
Oh trust me I know it's not
She gets off him, they start adjusting themselves, Emma notices Killian has a raging boner.
How do you plan on sorting that out before your lesson
Easy, imagine your friend Queenie, it will go straight down
Oh you cheeky bastard
What else can I do my next lesson starts soon and I can't leave to make a trip to my office.
I could sort it out for you if you like
She smirks and bites her lip
I'm trying to calm down I don't need you saying things like that
Fine I'll go, bye Killian
Bye Love
She walks out the class room slightly shaking her hips as she knows he is watching her. She goes back to her dorm room and attempts to read the stuff on the reading list but again all she can think about is that kiss, just then her phone goes of, it's a text from Queenie
Hey em, party tonight at Rubes house, dress to impress babes, I'll come pick you up around 8 xx
Ok Queenie see ya then.
'It's 4 that's mean I have 3 and a half hours to get ready, I know she will be here early'
Emma starts getting ready, she has a shower. Once out she figures out what she is going to wear, she pick out a red body con dress with cut out sides with 6 inch red heels and a gold clutch. She puts on her underwear and starts curling her hair, she does smokey eye make up and puts on false eye lashes, she puts her dress and shoes on, stays a bit of perfume then goes and looks in the mirror
'I look hot, but something is missing, yes that's it'
She grabs her big gold hoops and some red lipstick, now she is ready. Just in time too as Regina has just pulled up.

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