The truths out Mr Jones [part 2]

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When Emma woke up she was still alone, she went downstairs and saw Killian asleep on the sofa, she watched him sleep, she can literally fall in love with him every time she looks at him. As she was looking at him she saw his eyes start to open.
Morning love.
Morning Killian. Why are you sleeping here?
Because I came upstairs and saw you sleeping and you looked so beautiful I didn't wanna disturb you.
Aww Killy your too sweet.
I know, look Emma I need to talk to you about something important.
What's up?
Well it about yesterday, and why the Dean was in our class.
Why was he there?

[in the deans office the day before]

Killian walked in to the office and sat down opposite the dean.
Mr Nolan how are you?
Please Killian, you know you can call me David.
Ok, David, how are you?
I'm fine Killian, look I'm going to cut to the chase.
Ok then, what's wrong?
Well I have been told by a student that you were seen leaving a party with another student.
Well I probably was, my sister, Milah, she is a student here.
That's what I thought, so I asked the student if it was your sister, they said it was a blonde.
Oh, that's not Milah then.
That's what's worrying me. Killian I am your friend so please tell me the truth, are you having sex with students to get good grades?
Oh god of course not.
Oh thank god, so please can you explain what was going on with this student.
I can't.
Ok answer me this, are you having sex with her?
Yes please.
Yes I am. But it's not Sex we are in a committed relationship and honestly we don't go around broadcasting it, that student seeing us was sloppyness, even when we are in class I don't show her more attention then others and at the same time I don't go out of my way to ignore her, I treat her like any other student.
Well, obviously you know I have to look in to this, it's not against the law so you won't have to worry about prison, I will evaluate your lesson today and see what happens.
I understand David but I need to say, if I remember correctly today isn't a proper lesson it's just essay prep.
That's fine. When is your lesson.
In 10 minutes, would you like to know the students name.
No I want to see if I can spot anything without knowing who she is.
Ok. Shall we.
They get up and leave David watches Killian during the lesson at looks at all the blondes seeing if they are looking at Killian in a way they shouldn't be. After the class David and Killian go back to David's office.
Did you see anything you didn't like?
Honestly, no I didn't, I couldn't tell which one you are dating, because every girl looks at you like she is in love with you, but you didn't show anything.
Well now you have seen my class would you like to know who it is?
Yes just so I can keep an eye on things.
It's Emma Swan.
Emma Swan, do you know her?
Erm, ok Killian, I will happily keep this quiet if you promise me something.
Can I meet Emma?
I can talk to her but I'm sure she will say yes.
Thank you, bring her here at 1 tomorrow.
Ok David.
Killian gets up shakes David's hand and leaves.


[present moment with Killian and emma]

He wants to see me?
Yeah, maybe he wants to know if I pushed this relationship.
Maybe, well I better get ready then if he wants to see me at 1.
Emma goes to get ready, whilst Killian quickly fixes them something for breakfast. Emma came down and ate whilst Killian went and got ready, then he came down and quickly ate. They left the house and jumped in Emmas bug. They get to college and go to the deans office. They knock on the door and go inside.
Killian, Miss Swan.
Hello David.
So Mr Nolan I hear you wanted to see me?
Yes that is true, Killian would you be able to wait outside as I would like to talk to Miss Swan alone.
Sure, I'll see you in a bit.
Killian leaves, David gestures at Emma to take a seat.
So Emma, I'm going to get to the point, I know you and Killian are together, but I was willing to, overlook it, if you get what I mean.
I think I do.
Well, I'm willing to not fire Killian, and not make a huge big thing out of this.
But as the dean I have to make sure all my students are ok. So once a month I want to schedule a meeting with you, well it's more of a check up.
Ok, if you don't mind me asking, what for?
Well it's just for you to talk really, I know your relationship with Killian isn't about getting good grades but if it ever did turn out like that I would want you to tell me, so each moth it will only be about 5/10 minutes just to make sure everything is ok.
Ok that's fine, I will tell you know, me and Killian don't bring up grades and things at home as it's not very fair on the other students.
Brilliant, so now I want to have a quick chat with both you and Killian, would you get him back in please.
Emma gets Killian to come back in, they both sit down.
Now I just want to know a few things, you say you are committed to each other, what do you mean by this?
Well Emma now lives with me and we are engaged.
Oh you really are committed, ok well that's all I needed to know and i have had a talk with Emma so everything is good, so I will see you next month Emma and Killian I'll see you around.
Emma and Killian go to leave.
Oh sorry before you go Killian can I have a quick word?
Alright, go to the car I'll meet you there love.
Ok, bye Mr Nolan
Bye Emma.
Emma leaves.
Thank you for bringing her here.
No problem.
Did you tell her why I wanted to see her?
No I thought that would be something you would want to do.
Well I will do it another time.
Yeah I guess telling her she is your daughter just isn't something that roles off the tongue is it.
No need to take the piss Killian.
Sorry it's just not something I expected you to tell me.
Just look after my daughter please.
Will do, bye David.
Bye Killian.

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