You knew?

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Emma stares at her potential parents, Mary-Margaret places the drinks on the table.
Is that why you went all weird and cried earlier, because I'm your daughter?!
Look Emma we can explain...
Emma looks at Killian
Did you know?
Did. You. Know?
Of course not.
She stares at him, he looks at the floor.
Yes, I did.
She starts to cry and walks out.
Love where are you going?
She ignores them all and leaves.
Didn't you think of maybe hiding that?
We didn't know she was going to look around.
Where is she going.
Who is Robin?
Her brother.
Her brother?
Yes her brother, he came back last year, he was all the family she had left when their parents died.
Her parents died when she was a teenager, Robin was the only one there for her, then he met a women and they had a kid, then they moved to England, Emma occasionally visited but she didn't go often and now Robin is back for good.
So she only has you and Robin?
And her friends.
Why did she run off?
Well how would you feel if you thought your birth parents didn't want you, then you found a family you love and then the parents you loved die and then years later your Fiancé lies to you about why you are going to someone's house for dinner and you find out the dean of your college is your dad.
I guess that's a lot of information to get in 1 night.
Look Killian can you take us to her please?
I think it best you don't see her yet, I will go see her, take her home. I'll talk to her about it all. She will come round soon don't worry.
Please do what you can Killian, we need to let her know what we did and why.
I will. Bye thank you for dinner.
Killian leaves. David puts his arm around his wife.
She will come round.
I hope so.


[now we will look at what happened when Emma got to Robins]

Emma pulls up at her brothers house, runs up to the door crying her eyes out, she knocks on the door.
Emma, what's wrong, has Killian done something?
N.n.n. No, can I, just.
Yeah come in.
Emma goes in and just stands in the hallway.
What's up Em?
She mumbles to herself
I met my parents.
She turns and faces him.
I just met my birth parents.
Oh god, Em are you ok?
I don't know how to feel, all I know is my parents are dead, and now I have like a new set who think they can just tell my fiancé to get me to come round for dinner, cook me my favourite foods and then think it will be ok.
Come here em.
She cries into her brothers chest.
Wanna know what I think?
I know your still hurting about mum and dads death, I am too, and I know in your eyes these people will never replace mum and dad because they raised you, but you are lucky enough to have these people who clearly want to get to know you. You don't have to worry about weather or not our parents would be upset because I know for a fact they just want you to be happy Em, and no matter what happens, even if you call these people mum and dad, you will always be my little sister and I will always be there for you.
She continues to cry into her brothers chest, just then there is a knock at the door.
Go sit down em, I'll be in in a sec.
Emma walks to the living room, Robin goes and answers the door.
Is she here?
Of course, how was it?
She wasn't happy.
Who are they?
The Dean, David Nolan and his wife, he tricked me into making Emma meet them.
He said I can keep my job as long as they get to meet Emma.
So they know your engaged?
Yeah, some one saw us and told the Dean.
Shìt, I think you should come in and talk to her, she is really confused by it all.
Killian walks in Robin gestures that she is in the living, Killian walks in to the living room.
Hello love.
He goes and sits next to her. She snuggles up next to him.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you.
I forgive you.
Yeah, just why didn't you tell me?
I didn't think it was something for me to tell, I thought if they wanted to tell you then let them do it.
Fair enough.
I love you Swan.
I love you too Killian.
They would like to see you again and talk about it if you want to.
I'll think about it.
Ok love, I will stand by what ever you decide.
As will I.
Robin walks in to the living room and sits on the coffee table in front of the sofa.
I think you should talk to them Em. Even if you don't want a relationship, still find out why they gave you away.
I agree with your brother love, but it is still up to you, either way you still have us and Regina.
Thank you. I will think about it tomorrow, right now I just want to sleep.
Come on then, let's get you home.
Ok, thanks for listening Robin.
No problem, that's what brothers are for.
She gets up and hugs her brother tightly.
Love ya.
Love ya to Em.
She walks to the door. Robin grabs Killian's arm.
I know you will but please look after her.
I will mate, don't worry, she was there for me when my dad showed up so I can at least be there for her.
Thanks Killian.
No problem mate.
They walk to the front door, Emma and Killian leave and get into Emmas car, Killian drives as Emma is tired. They get home and Emma has fallen asleep in the car, Killian carries her in and puts her to bed, he lays next to her, kisses her forehead, puts his arm around her and whispers.
Night Swan. Love you.
Then he falls asleep.

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