Start fresh

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[hey guys I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading, I can't believe my story has had over 1K reads, omg, I don't know how to thank you all, oh and please if you see any spelling mistakes just comment and let me no as I'm dyslexic so I won't notice haha]

It had been a few days since Emma spoke to Killian about her parents. They had arranged for David and Mary-Margaret to come round, she thought today would be a good day to talk to them as she is starting her wedding plans.
Are you ready love, they will be here in a bit.
I'm ready.
Would you like something to drink love, tea, coffee maybe a vodka?
This makes them laugh.
Thanks for the offer babe but I think I'll pass.
No problem love.
There is a knock at the door.
They are here, do you want me to stay love?
Yes please.
Alright, I'll let them in.
He goes to the door, Emma goes and sits in the kitchen.
Alright? Emma is in the kitchen.
Thanks Killian.
Killian points them to the kitchen and shuts the door after them.
Hello Emma.
Hi, thank you for coming round today.
Thank you for hearing us out the other day.
Ok, so I have thought about everything you have said, I think we could have some kind of relationship.
Mary-Margaret starts to cry tears of joy, which then makes Emma cry a little.
I don't know if and when I will truly get over you giving me up, I know it was for my own good but, for my entire life I have brought up by people who in my eyes wanted me because my birth parents didn't want me. And that's another thing I know your my birth parents but I can't just forget about my other parents, by that I mean I don't know when I'll be able to actually call you mom and dad, are you ok with that.
Honestly Emma, we don't care what you call us, and we understand about your other parents, we are just so happy we get to be in your life.
Emma gets up and goes up to her parents.
Thank you for being so understanding, I hope we can work this out.
They stand up as well. Mary-Margaret is crying
Is it too soon to give you a hug?
Emma is now also crying. She doesn't answer and just cuddles her mom, David also hugs them both aswell. They stay in the hug for a while, then Emma breaks free.
Well why don't we start by playing catch up?
That would be wonderful.
We would love to hear about your family.
I have a couple pictures if you would like to see them?
Of course.
Emma runs and grabs the photo collage Robin made her, she sits with her parents talking about all her memories, they sit and talk for hours. By the time they finished they realise they got so caught up in playing catch up that they missed dinner, they decide to go out and grab something to eat. They get seated at the reassuring and start to look through the menu. Emma excuses herself to the bathroom, she walks in and makes sure she is alone, she starts talking.
Hey guys, I don't know if you can hear me, I mean I don't even know if you are there but I just wanted to say that, that I will never ever forget you. I can't ever thank you enough for taking me in and raising me as your child. And please don't think that now I have my birth parents that you will be replaced because you won't, you will always be my parents. I wish that you could be at my wedding, I know you will be there in spirit but sometimes I just wish I could give you one last hug. I will be leaving seats out for you both. I think Killian will be leaving a seat out for his mom too so you can all sit together. I miss you both so much, and meeting my birth parents has kinda made the pain worse, because I thought that if and when I did eventually meet them I would have you here too help decide on what I should do, although I know what mom would say, it's something that I had to figure out on my own, I kinda did, that's a lie, I needed so much help. But I did it in the end, and now I'm here with them trying to make some kind of relationship happen. I really hope your proud of me and Robin, and I hope you don't think I'm replacing you because honestly I will never find people more amazing and wonderful as you. I better get back out there otherwise they will think I'm ill. I love you guys, always and forever.
Emma smiles and goes to leave.
Oh wait there is one thing I do need to tell you, and I wanted to tell you both before anyone else, it can be our little secret.
Emma looks down and starts to cry.
Your gonna be grandparents.

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