Christmas Kiss [part 2]

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Killian woke up the next day naked and alone.
Swan? Where are you love?
He put on his boxers and went downstairs, he could smell bacon cooking, we walked in to the kitchen and saw his beautiful girlfriend, all she had on was one of his black tops and a pair of pink lacy underwear. She singing along to all I want for Christmas is you, she was dancing whilst cooking, all Killian could do was stare, he was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed.
I don't want a lot for Christmas there is just one thing I need,
I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas,
He chuckles to himself so she can't hear him,
'What did I do to deserve a woman like that'
He joins in with her song as he walks up to her and wraps his arms around her waist
All i want for Christmas is you, baby.
Merry Christmas Swan.
Merry Christmas Killian, I hope your hungry because I am cooking you the most amazing breakfast.
I'm starving after last night.
Thought you would be baby. Ok when would you like to open your presents?
Should we do ours now?
Ok I'll go get them, can you watch the food make sure it don't burn.
Ok love.
Emma scampers off upstairs to grab her presents for Killian, whilst he grabs his for Emma out of a cupboard near the kitchen. He puts them on the table and checks the bacon. Emma returns all excited.
Let's eat breakfast then open them
Ok love.
They eat their Christmas breakfast. Once finished Emma clears the plates.
Ok Killian you open yours first.
He unwraps the first present.
I'm sexy and I know it? Well yes I am, thank you Swan I love it.
Next is the iPad case.
Wow this is really nice.
He unwraps the black shirt.
Ooh a knew shirt, I needed one of these seeing as you ripped mine.
Yeah that's kinda why I got it.
He then unwraps the cd
Did you know, this is my all time favourite?
Of course I did.
Thank you love.
Finally the DVD
Erm this one was just a little joke, I couldn't not get you it.
He unwraps it and laughs
Hook. Thank you Swan, I love them all. Now open yours
She unwraps a jumper with a swan on it
Aww Killy I love it.
Sorry I didn't mean.
It's fine swan I like it.
Next is a necklace that is shaped in a heart, but the heart is made of a swan and a Hook.
Oh my, Killian it's beautiful.
You like it?
I love it thank you.
They are the only presents that Emma saw on the table.
Emma I do have another present for you.
Ok, what is it.
Well it's me?
You haven't put a ribbon round your dick have you?
No swan, although that would have been awesome.
They both giggle to themselves
No swan this gift is better.
What is it Killian?
Killian hands Emma a small box.
This isn't....
Oh god no, not yet anyway.
Oh god, what is it then?
Open it.
She opens it and see a key.
Will you move in with me Emma.
She jumps up and wraps her arms round his neck
Of course I will.
They kiss.
I love you Swan.
I love you too Hook.
Smiles at her, then kisses her again.
Right we better get everything ready, my brother and Regina will be here soon.
Alright love.
They start preparing dinner. Emma looks for the presents for Robin and Regina. After the food is prepared to be cooked Emma jumps in the shower, once she is out she put her hair up in a curly pony tail, put on some neutral make up as she knows it will all come off when she is cooking, she decides to wear her new swan jumper with a pair of jeans, she put on a pair of very festive Santa socks to finish the outfit, whilst Emma was getting dressed Killian washed. Emma went downstairs and started cooking. Killian comes down in his new sexy and I know it top, black jeans and snowman socks. There is a knock at the door.
I'll get it love.
He opens the door to a very snowy and cold Robin and Regina. They all exchange the phrase Merry Christmas to each other. There is lots of hugging, coats being handed over as well as presents. Killian and Robin go in to the living room and watch television, Regina stays and helps Emma.
Here you go Em.
She gives Emma her present, and Emma gives Regina hers.
And here is yours.
Regina opens it to see her new onesie.
Oh Emma it's wonderful.
Emma opens hers to see a white hoody with a swan on the back, but unlike the jumper she got from Killian this swan is wearing a crown.
Why is the Swan wearing a crown?
Well it's to represent our friendship Em, it SwanQueen. Get it?
Aww Queenie it's amazing I love it.
They share a hug. They both get dinner ready. A couple hours later dinner is ready.
Regina can you go tell the boys dinner is ready please.
She walks to the kitchen door.
Robin, Killian dinner is ready.
Thanks Gina.
No problem.
Robin and Killian go and sit down whilst Emma and Regina bring the food to the table.
Swany this looks awsome, it smells just like mums.
Well I did use her recipes.
They share a smile
Oh by the way here is your present Em.
Oh I'll go grab yours.
Robin unwraps his DVDs.
Haha I love it thanks Em.
Emma unwraps a giant photo frame.
Do you like it Em?
She looks at it and it contains different pictures of Robin and Emma growing up. A tear comes to Emma's eyes.
Where did you find these pictures?
I found them in a box of mum and dads things in my garage.
She get up and goes to give Robin a hug.
I love it.
I'm glad you do.
They settle down to have their dinner and an amazing Christmas together.

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