What now Mr Jones?

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Will you marry me?
Emma keeps replaying that sentence in her head, she sat looking in the mirror putting on her make-up, she had to get ready for a girly night with Regina. She grabbed her purse and jumped in her bug. She drove to Reginas house, she grabbed her purse and got out the car, Regina heard her car so she came to the door.
Hey Em.
Regina I need wine and advice.
What's up?
Let's go inside and I'll tel you.
They go inside, Emma flops on to the sofa whilst Regina grabs 2 glasses and a bottle of wine, she pours out the wine, Emma drink the whole glass with out stopping.
Wow, this must be something huge.
Killian asked me to marry him.
Regina then poured Emma more wine whilst she is drinking her own glass.
When we got home from your party.
Ok explain everything what happened?
Well Killian was pretty annoyed at the man who tried to kiss me, so he spoke to me a bit then stormed out, then Millah came up to me and told me that Killian get very jealous because of his ex.
Wait this all went down at my party?
Where the hell was I?
Probably doing something nasty with my brother.
Oh yeah, sorry Hun, carry on.
So after I spoke to Millah I went after him, we had a very silent ride home, then when we got in we had this massive argument.
What was it about?
Well it was basically about how Killian couldn't tell me how he felt, he was pissed that he couldn't do anything about the man who tried to kiss me because he is my teacher, and the fact he would give up his career to be with me.
He would what?
Give up teaching to be with me.
Oh shit, I'm going to need more wine for this, carry on.
So we had the argument downstairs and I left the room on him not being able to express himself, so I went upstairs to change and he comes in saying stuff like he loves me and I'm like that's not enough anymore, he thinks I don't love him anymore, and at that moment in time I was feeling that way because of how easy he just switched on me. So he ended up telling me exactly how he felt about me which made me cry and then he proposed.
So what did you say?
I said...
Just as Emma was about to say her answer Robin comes walking in with Killian. They had been to the pub to have a chat. But unlike Emma and Regina these two solve their problems with shots and are absolutely hammered.
Robin you had shots didn't you.
How did you know?
Like you said I'm your sister.
Yes, indeed you are, and look these is my wonderful smoking hot bird.
Hi Robin.
Come on milady, me and you are going to have sex.
And on that note I'm going to take Killian home. Bye Gina maybe I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Are you sure Em I mean we could just let these two spoon in my bed whilst we talk?
As funny as that sounds I know how persistent he can be so you better go do as he says.
Oh god, by Em.
Emma leads drunk Killian out of the house.
Come on Killian get in the car.
I don't want to.
Why not?
Well how about if you get in the car you get a present?
What kind of present?
Anything you want.
Well that sounds exciting, fine I'll get in the car.
They get in the car and Killian starts singing to Emma.
Everybody's tryna steal my girl, everybody wanna take her heart away,
A couple billion in the whole wide world, we'll find another one coz she belongs to me
Nananana alright
Nananana oh yeah
She knows she knows that I never let her down before,
She knows she knows
That I'm never gonna let another take her love from me now.
Did you know they wanted me to replace Zain when he buggered off.
I bet they did Killian.
They bloody did.
I'm not denying it.
Good, but I turned it down.
Oh no whys that?
Because I don't know any of their other songs.
Well that would have been silly then wouldn't it.
Indeed. Are we home yet?
Yeah we are here now, come on let get you inside.
Emma helps Killian stagger in to his house and up to bed, she helps him out of his clothes.
What Killian.
I know what I want my present to be.
What's that Killian.
Okay Killian, why don't you lay down on your side, whilst I go get you some water then we can have sex ok?
Emma knew she couldn't have sex with him, that is why she made him lay down because she knew he would fall asleep as soon as he hit the bed, she went back up with the water and put it on his bedside table, she got undressed and got in to bed, as she laid down she kissed Killian on the forehead, then turned over to face the other side, she then felt Killian turn to face her and give he a cuddle, he muttered in his sleep.
I bloody love you Swan.
His drunken, sleepy words made her happy and sad at the same time. She went to sleep, but not a peaceful sleep as Killian was up all night being sick.

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