Maybe tonight?

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[we are skipping to February, also the outfit Emma wears is the outfit she wore when Hook took her back to Storybrooke in season 4]

Killian was getting things prepared for Valentine's Day which was coming up soon. Whilst choosing which restaurant he received a phone call.
Hello Killian it's David.
Hello mate what's up?
Me and my wife would like to invite you and Emma round for dinner this evening.
I'll check with Em see if we are free, if we are we would love to come.
Wonderful, by the I know I shouldn't say this but judging by how she spoke about you in the first meeting, Emma really loves you.
Thanks David, that means a lot that you of all people are ok with this.
I know Killian. So should we say 6ish?
Yeah why not see you tonight.
Killian hangs up the phone and texts Emma telling here about their plans tonight. An hour later Emma returns home.
Hey Killian, I'm home.
Hey em, I'm in the kitchen.
She walks in and give him a little kiss.
How was shopping with Regina?
It was fun, although she can shop for the world.
I bet she can, did you get my text?
Yeah we are going out to Dean Nolans for dinner.
Yes love we are.
Any special reason?
Not that I know of, he just wanted to invite us over, maybe to see how we act not at college?
Maybe, anyway I best go get ready then.
Alright love.
Emma goes upstairs to get ready, she has a quick shower. She gets out and goes and dries her hair, she then add a few light curls just so it's a bit bouncy. She get up and goes to the closet and thinks about what to wear.
'Well I can't wear anything to slutty as we are having dinner with Killian's boss, but I can't just wear jeans and a t-shirt'
She looks through her clothes and decides on a black blouse, black skirt and black wedges, she add some tights as its a little cold tonight. Whilst she was deciding what to wear Killian quickly got in the shower. Emma got her clothes on, Killian came out the bathroom and put his clothes on, he was wearing black skinny jeans, baby blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black shoes. Emma loved it when he wore blue as it made his eyes look amazing.
You ready love?
Just finishing my make up.
Alright, I'll go wait downstairs.
Ok Killian.
He went downstairs and sat in the kitchen. When Emma came down and in to the kitchen he just stared.
Is something wrong?
I just can't believe you are going to be my wife.
I know neither can I.
Oh that reminds me I need to pick up your ring tomorrow.
You got me one?
Yeah I got you one.
I hope it's easy to hide when we are at college.
Course it is love.
She walks up to him and wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him.
I love you Mr Jones.
I love you too soon to be Mrs Jones.
They giggle and kiss again.
We better be going otherwise we are going to be late.
Ok babe
They get in Killian's car and they drive to David's house. They get to the house, they park up and go to the door. David opens the door
Killian, Emma nice to see you both.
Hello David, thanks for inviting us mate.
Please come in my wife is just finishing up a few things in the kitchen.
I should really know this but what's your wife's name?
It's, Mary-Margaret.
Thats so weird.
Whats weird Em?
My middle name is Margaret.
Huh that is funny, ah here she is now.
It's wonderful to meet you both.
It's nice to meet you too
As Killian, Emma and David talk Mary-Margaret keeps looking at Emma, she starts to tear up a bit.
Oh my gosh are you okay?
Yeah Emma, I'm fine it's just erm, nothing.
Mary-Margaret runs back to the kitchen.
Erm is she ok?
Yeah she is fine, I'll go see how she Is doing.
David goes to check on his wife. Killian and Emma stay in the living room.
That was weird wasn't it.
I guess.
She just looked at me and started crying, I mean what the hell.
I'd ignore it love, maybe she is going through some things.
Yeah I guess. It's so weird.
I feel like I knew these people when I first met them.
Yeah I just had a weird feeling we had met before, is that weird.
Maybe you see them around somewhere before.
Maybe, oh well.
David pokes his head round the doorway.
Dinner is ready you two.
Emma and Killian walk in to the kitchen they look at the table.
Oh wow, did you make these pizzas yourself?
Yes I did.
Cheese and sweet corn? That's my favourite pizza.
Oh that's good.
They eat their dinner, they have a fantastic time.
Should we all go in to the living room for coffee.
Ok but can I have a hot cocoa please I don't really like coffee.
Sure Emma that's fine.
Killian and Emma go in to the living room, Emma looks around at the photos that are around the room, the photos are lovely, they are pictures from David and Mary-Margaret's wedding, she notices on of the photos, it isn't from their wedding, in fact it's Mary-Margaret in hospital with David and a new born baby in her arms, she stares at the photo, she picks it up and holds it.
She drops the photo, David and Mary-Margaret come in the room.
Here are your drinks.

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