Try and be subtle

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[its now January]

Emma and Killian have been living together for just over a month now, they couldn't be happier. They only thing that is upsetting them is that they cannot be open about their relationship, and they have to go to college separately they only plus side is their 1-1 sessions no longer require pants because so far all Emma problems have been solved by Killian eating her out. College start up again in 4 days, they have already thought about having to hide their relationship and how hard it's going to be going from being all over each other to pretty much avoiding each other, but one of the things that is helping Emma is the fact that at least she can talk to Regina about it. Emma and Killian are laying in bed watching Netflix.
So love, are you ready to go back?
Of course not, it's going to be even harder to concentrate now.
What do you mean?
Well before when I was having dirty thoughts about you I was just making it up and I could tell myself that I was just lying, and maybe you weren't that great, but now I know what you are like and all the things you can do, and I'm just gonna have a heard time controlling the urge to fuck you on your desk.
Oh god, why do you have to talk like that.
Like what?
So innocent yet so dirty, oh god I love you.
I love you too.
They start to kiss, Emma gets on top of Killian, she takes off her top, they kiss again. Emma phone starts to ring.
Oh bloody hell, don't answer it Swan.
I have to it could be Robin.
Her phone is on the bed side table so she can answer it without moving off of Killian.
Hey Gina, yeah I'm good thanks you? Your doing what? Okay,yeah course we will be there, yeah I know, we have to get used to it I guess so why not start tomorrow, it's what? Pirate? Your so weird. Okay yeah I'll be there to help. Okay. Bye Gina.
She hangs up the phone and puts it back on the side.
What did Regina want love?
Well it looks like we have to go shopping.
What do you mean?
Gina is throwing a start of term party.
Oh a party, and why did I hear the word pirate?
I knew that but you would hear haha, it's pirate themed, that is why we have to go shopping.
So I get to go to a party with my girlfriend who is not only stunning but also dressed as a pirate for the night?
Yeah pretty much.
I am there lets go shopping.
They get dressed and go and search every fancy dress store they can find.
Killian finds a long black leather jacket, tight black leather trousers, dark red waistcoat, black shirt and black boots, he then accessories with chains, cuffs, guy liner the lot. Emma's outfit was black leather hot pants, white pirate shirt, black boots, a pirate hat and a big chunky black belt over the shirt. As Killian was in the queue to pay Emma ran off to grab something, she came back with something behind her back.
What you got there Swan?
Well no pirate is complete without a sword and this.
She pulls out 2 swords and a hook.
A hook?
Well you can't be Captain Hook without it.
That's perfect Swan.
He smiles, as he looks up he see his sister Milah.
Killian? What are you doing here?
Oh nothing really I just bumped in to Emma here and she asked me to save her place in the queue whilst she quickly grabbed some things.
Hey Milah
Hey Emma, so Killian I'm going to a pirate party tomorrow night fancy coming, I know you and Liam used to dress up as pirates maybe you have something at yours to wear?
I'll see what I can find.
Are you going Emma?
Yeah I'm actually getting things for it now, I have to help Regina set up.
Speaking of have you seen her hunky new man? The things I would do with him, I bet he is a,along in bed.
Well to be honest Milah I wouldn't wanna think about it.
Just because he is your besties man doesn't mean you can't think about it.
It's not that it the fact he is my brother that is mainly why I don't want to think about what he is like in bed.
Oh god I'm sorry Emma, I didn't know.
Nah it's ok, no one knows.
Well I now feel awkward so I'll see you tomorrow, bye Emma, Bye KillyBear
Milah walks off and Emma stares at Killian
I thought you didn't hear that.
No I defiantly heard.
That is something only she calls me.
Aww it's so cute.
Don't do it love.
They pay for their costumes and head home. When at home Emma put the costumes in the closet, whilst upstairs she hears a knock at the door, Killian answers.
What are you doing here?
Milah was standing at his door Emma ran and hid in the bathroom.
Well I thought I'd just come help you pick out a costume for tomorrow.
You didn't have to do that Milah.
No I wanted to, it's fine Killian.
Milah walks in, as she does she notices the picture Robin made Emma for Christmas hanging up.
So Killan, are you bringing anyone to the party?
No I'm not, why do you ask?
Oh just wondering.
Emma tries to listen without making a noise.
So let's go pick you an outfit.
Milah I really appreciate the help but I already know what I'm going to wear.
Yeah, it's all picked out.
So you picked it out when you got in?
Wow that was quick.
Well I work fast you know that.
Are you sure it wasn't the other outfit that Emma was buying today?
Killian give it up.
Give what up?
I know your with Emma.
If you want to hide it don't hang pictures of her up on the wall.
She points at the picture which makes Killian look.
Oh bollocks.
So where is she?
Emma love you can come down, she knows.
Emma comes down stairs and they tell Millah everything. She swears she won't tell anyone about them, she is just glad her brother is finally happy.

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