Pre party

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You did what!?
We told her.
Well she saw the collage that Robin made me for Christmas hanging on the wall.
If that is something that could give away your relationship, why isn't it more hidden?
We didn't think his sister was going to come round.
You have got to be carful Em.
I am very aware Gina.
She is going to tell.
She promised she wouldn't, I mean why would she want to hurt her brother like that.
I understand that Em, but what you are forgetting is, it's Millah bloody Jones we are talking about here, she loves to tell people things when she shouldn't, I mean what if she tells her parents, what will happen then?
I don't know?
Exactly she could....
No I mean I don't know if they are like alive still, Killian never really talks about them, I wonder why he never speaks about them?
Well do you talk about yours?
No, but he no that they aren't alive anymore, I don't know anything about his even their names.
He may have his reasons Emma, why don't you just ask him and see what he says, just don't push him ok.
What do you mean don't push him?
I mean exactly that, if someone blocks you in their answer you push them to answer you.
No i don't.
Yes you do.
I do not
Emma stop, just stop ok.
Fine okay, I admit I am a pusher but I only do it because I know from experience it's not good to lock things away.
I know that Em, but sometimes you have to be a bit less pushy with guys when it comes to emotions, some of them aren't good with them.
Thanks Gina. Wow are finished.
We have done a pretty good job.
Shit I better go home and get ready.
Yeah I better get dressed to, see you tonight Em.
But Queenie.
Emma leaves Regina's place and heads home to get ready. She gets home and sees a car she doesn't recognise. She texted Killian to see if it was ok to come in.
"Come in love, there is someone I want you too meet xxxx"
She puts here phone away and goes inside.
Hello? Killian?
In the kitchen love.
She goes in to the kitchen to see Killian and a man.
Hello love.
He walks up to her and gives her a kiss on the head
Hey Killian, who's this?
Oh right, so Emma this is Colin. My dad.
Emma is a bit shocked as she was only just talking about this to Regina. Colin turns around, he is just like his son, he is also very very handsome.
Hello Emma, nice to meet you.
Hi Colin, it's lovely to meet you.
He too has an amazing accent, just like his son. Colin turns back to Killian as Emma goes and sits next to Killian.
So how did you too meet?
Emma looks at Killian.
Well dad that's actually a funny story.
Oh god she is your student isn't she.
How did you know?
Well it's not really something our family hasn't done before is it?
Who is with a student?
Yeah, him and his girlfriend have been together a year now, but unlike you two he started going out with her in her final year.
So your not annoyed dad?
No, of course not, love is a weird thing it can't be stopped, I'm glad your happy Killian, just the pair of you be careful.
We will be.
I'm really sorry Colin it was lovely to meet you but I have to get ready.
Oh it's Regina's party tonight isn't it.
Who's Regina?
She is my best friend and a classmate.
And she knows about you two?
Yeah but she won't tell, especially as she is dating my brother, she won't want to upset him.
Oh ok then. I best get going if you two have a party.
No no please stay, Killian you stay here with your dad, Regina won't mind.
No honestly you two go, I have to be somewhere anyway.
If your sure Colin?
Yes, you two go have fun.
We will dad, why don't you come round for dinner tomorrow?
I'd love too, I'll give you a call tomorrow.
Ok, see you later dad.
Bye Colin, was lovely to meet you.
You too Emma, Bye Killian.
Colin leaves.
Thanks for that Swan.
No problem Killian.
We best get ready then.
Emma holds Killian's hand, he pulls he in to kiss her.
I love you Swan.
I love you too Killian.
They kiss again they go and get ready.
They get dressed and Emma starts going her make-up, Killian come in to the room with his hair a little scruffier, and his shirt not done up all the way.
Swan, can I ask you something?
If it is how do you look then the answer is sexy as fuck.
Haha thanks for that Swan, but no that not it, I want to be like Jack Sparrow and have that black stuff around my eyes but I don't know what it is or how to do it, can you help me please?
Haha of course I will, come sit down and I'll do it for you.
Emma puts some eyeliner on Killian.
Wow it's really suits you Killian.
Thanks love, by the way Swan, you look amazing, you will be the most beautiful there tonight.
Aww Killian, your too sweet, now let me finish my make-up.
Ok and love where did you put my hook?
It's in the cupboard downstairs along with the swords.
Ok I'll go get them.
Emma get up and put on some knee high black socks then goes downstairs.
Killian have you seen my boots?
They are in here love.
Emma goes in to the kitchen.
Here ya go love.
Killian passes Emma the boots.
I'll put these on then we can go.
Alright Swan.
They grab their pirate jackets and head out the house.

*... Hey guys I really hope you are enjoying my story, let me know what you think in the comments or send me a message I don't mind :)...*

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