My bestfriend and my sister?

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What the hell are you doing, get off my sister.
Emma and Killian get off the bed, Robin and Killian meet in the middle of the room.
Look mate please let me explain.
Don't you call me mate, what are you doing, she is your bloody student.
I didn't mean for this to happen.
Robin, you have no right to be shouting right now, not after I walked in on you and Regina.
Well at least she is not my student.
She is my best friend though.
I'm gonna go love.
No you are not you are staying here and explaining to me what they hell you are doing with my sister.
Erm I'm gonna go Emma I don't think you need me here right now.
No Regina I do not need you, please leave.
Robin and Regina go to kiss
Oh you have got to be kidding me.
Regina nods and leaves
Well that was a bit rude Emma.
Excuse me, I walked in on you and my best mate, after you had only known her about 2 hours, and your still married, I'm sorry for being a bit fûcked of right now.
Oh yeah I'm sorry you had to walk in on that, I don't know how you are feeling right now, OH HANG ON A MINUTE, I walked in on the same bloody thing.
Hang on a minute Robin, me and Emma are different.
Oh please explain how me walking in on you two is different to what Emma saw?
Because I bloody love your sister!
You what?
Yeah you what?
Killian turns to Emma and holds her hands.
I love you Emma Swan.
You love me?
No you don't have to say it back, I just wanted to let...
Just shut up a minute, I love you to Killian.
I knew when I first saw you I had more then just sexual feelings for you.
Killian turns back to Robin
I'm sorry I didn't tell you when I saw you but how do you tell your old college roommate that your girlfriend is not only his sister but your student, it's not really something that just rolls of your tongue.
And your telling me you both love each other?
Yes Roby I love him.
Robin paces the room for a minute.
I'm not gonna lie, I don't love this, but then again you could be worse, I won't tell the dean about your relationship.
Emma runs up and hugs Robin
Thank you so much, I'm so sorry you had to find out this way.
I'm sorry about me and Regina.
Oh yeah we still need to talk about that.
And on that note I'll be going, see you later Swan, bye Robin and thanks mate for not kicking the shìt out of me.
No problem mate, just remember if you hurt my sister, I was the archery champion of our year and I will happily put an arrow in between your eyes.
Noted. Bye
Killian kisses Emma and leaves
So Regina?
I'm sorry Em, it's just so weird, it's like when I first laid my eyes on her I knew she was meant to be with me, it's like we are soul mates.
Ok now you sound like a woman.
Oh you know what I mean, it was just so nice to have someone want to be with me.
I know, I just wish you told me before you left me on my own to go make out with my best friend.
I'm sorry Em, can you forgive me?
Your my brother, of course I can, come here.
They share a hug.
Now I have a big day tomorrow so I have to sleep, that bed there is empty, no one has ever claimed it so you can sleep in it.
Night Swany.
Night Roby
The next day Robin went off to explore whilst Emma went to find Regina to talk about what had gone on between her and Robin.
Hey, Regina, I need to talk to you.
Hey Emma, look I...
No hang on, I'm sorry, I was very rude to you last night, that was wrong of me, and I spoken to Robin and I need to let you know, if you want to pursue anything with my brother I'm ok with it, just not to much PDA in front of me ok.
Regina hugs Emma which startles Emma a bit
Thank you so much Em, and I am so sorry, but I'm so glad we can still be friends.
Of course, now I believe you need to go tell Neal you don't want to be with him.
Oh shìt. I forgot about him.
Come on.
Emma and Regina go and find Neal,
Look there he is go talk to him.
Regina walks over to Neal who is sitting on a wall
Hey Neal.
Oh eh, hey Regina.
Look Neal I need to tell you something.
Really, well so do I.
I found someone else I'm so sorry, I hope we can still be friends.
Oh my god, I'm not gonna lie Regina, that's exactly what I wanted to tell you.
I really wanna stay your friend, you are amazing, I just wanna be with you.
I'd love to stay your friend.
Great, so who's the guy?
It's Emma's brother Robin, what about you who the lucky lady?
Yeah, erm, it's Graham.
Yeah I'm seeing Graham.
Oh wow, that's not what I was expecting.
Are you cool with this?
Do you like him?
Then I'm fine with it, as long as your happy Neal I don't care if your gay straight or bi, your still my best friend.
Thanks Regina, you are much more understanding then my parents.
I'm sorry Neal.
It's ok, I got you guys that's all that matters.
They will come around soon.
Thanks Gina

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