Pirate Party

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Emma and Killian arrive to the party and go in, as Emma is Regina's best friend she has to be first one there to make sure Regina is ok, they go inside and Robin is already there.
Emma you guys look awesome, you look good in guy liner Killian.
Thanks Gina you look amazing too.
Kill...I mean Hook, why don't you go see if Robin needs help with anything.
Alright love.
Killian walks over to Robin, Emma and Regina go to the other side of the room and pretend to look like they are doing things.
So guess what happened when I got home.
If it includes you and Killian naked I don't wanna know.
Oh stop it, it's nothing like that, I met a member of Killian's family.
His dad.
Oh wow, how was that.
It was really nice, he is just like Killian, just older, and guess what?
Apparently Killian's Brother, Liam, is also dating his student.
Oh so you told him about the whole student teacher thing.
Yeah, and he said as long as Killian is happy so is he.
That's good I guess.
Oh and I looked it up, because of what you said about Millah.
Well what's happening between us is not actually illegal.
Oh that's not bad.
It all depends on what the university views are about it.
Well if they never now then nothing will have to happen will it.
Yeah I know, I just got worried after what you said about Millah and decided to look it up.
Well at least you have put your mind at rest.
Yeah, I guess.
Ok let's not think about this anymore and go and have fun.
Ok Gina.
They return to the boys and soon enough the rest of the guests arrive. Killian, Emma, Robin and Regina have an amazing time at the party. Killian struggles to keep his hands off Emma as she dances with Regina, all he can look at is her butt shacking as she moves.
Killian mate I accept your with my sister but I would prefer if you didn't give her that dirty look you used to give girls at college whilst I'm around.
Oh sorry mate I just don't know how I'm going to do this, I have to see her in lesson and pretend I'm not madly in love with her.
I understand mate honest but you are going to have to try, otherwise you could loose your job.
I know it's just hard.
As Killian is watching Emma he sees a man walk up to her and offer her a drink, they start talking, then dancing, this makes Killian very jealous but he cannot do any thing as he is surrounded by students, he see this fella lean in to kiss Emma but she pushes him away, the man then leaves feeling embarrassed. Killian goes up to Emma.
Hey Jones.
Who was that Swan.
Emma whispers
Let's talk about this at home ok.
Wanna dance Mr Jones.
Sorry Emma I can't, I'm going home.
With that he leaves. Making Emma very upset. Millah sees Killian leave and goes up to Emma.
Hey Em.
Oh, hey Millah.
Look, I need to tell you, my brother really likes you. I can see it by the way he looks at you, he just gets really really jealous sometimes.
Erm, bad break up.
Oh ok, that's understandable, thanks Millah.
No problem Em, I just wanna see my brother happy.
They hug.
Look I better go after him, see you later.
Emma leaves, she catches up with Killian as he is getting in to his car.
Killian wait up.
Swan, what are you doing, go back to your party.
But I wanna come with you.
Yes of course.
Alright, get in before someone sees us.
Emma and Killian get in the car. They drive home, it's silent as Killian is annoyed about the man hitting on his girlfriend and he couldn't do anything about it. They arrive home. Killian goes inside and completely ignores Emma, she goes inside, she slams the door behind her.
Why are you ignoring me?
I'm not.
Well your doing a great job at it.
I'm not ignoring you Emma.
Ok if your not ignoring me, what's wrong.
I don't know maybe I saw a fella lean in to kiss my girlfriend and due to the fact I'm her bloody teacher, I couldn't walk up to the prick and punch him in the face.
Well thats not my fault.
I know
Then why are you acting like this.
I'm pissed off okay.
Well no need to act like a dick to your girlfriend.
I can't help it.
I know you get jealous easy but...
Hang on, what do you mean I get jealous easy?
You had a bad break up and now get jealous easy.
Who told you that.
I don't want to say.
Swan, Who told you?!
I'm not saying!
Well who ever told you, tell them next time to keep out of it, they have no bloody idea how I feel!
Well then why don't you tell me?!
Because, well, I just can't?!
Fine, well why you sit and do nothing I'm going to bed!
Emma storms upstairs and gets ready for bed, she takes off all her pirate outfit. She is about to get in to bed when Killian storms in.
I can't tell you how I feel because you will think I'm mad!
Well it's better then think your a heartless dick who doesn't actually love me!
You really think I don't love you!
Well right now I do, the fact that you can just flip on me like this maybe you don't!
God Swan I can't believe you!
Well your not doing much to change my mind Killian!
Because I can't!
Well then, maybe I should just go sleep at Regina's!
No, Emma, you can't!
Because I love you!
I've heard that before Killian!
Well what do you want me say? All I can tell you Emma is that I am crazy for you! I have been since I first saw you in my class!
Emma stops looking for a bag to take to Regina's
That's why when I saw that fella lean in to kiss you I wanted so badly to walk up to him and kick the shit out of him but I couldn't because I am your teacher, but right now I don't want to be that, I would happily give it up if that meant I could spend the rest of my life with you Swan.
But how do you know that, we haven't even been together six months yet?
Because I am so in love with you Emma Swan and I always will be I knew I would love you forever the moment I saw you.
Emma stands there and starts to cry. Killian walks up to her and turns her to face him, he puts his hand on her chin and lifts her face to look at his.
Emma Swan I know it's only been a short time but you are the only person who has ever made me this happy, I have never known another woman like you, you are smart, caring, beautiful and I could never imagine spending my life with someone else. Emma I can't give you a ring yet as I didn't plan this but I need to ask you, will you marry me?

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