The truths our Mr Jones [part 1]

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So how was Robin this morning?
He was a mess I found him asleep cuddling the toilet with him head down it.
That's my brother.
How about Killian.
He was asleep in a ball on the floor by the toilet.
Why do they do it to themselves.
Who knows. But no matter how many times they have done it, they will never stop.
God could you imagine what they were like together in college?
I really don't want to think about what my brother got up to in college.
Same here. So yesterday you were telling me about you a Killian.
Oh yeah, before we got interrupted by them two.
You were about to tell me what you said to Killian.
Well I told him I would marry him.
Regina stares at Emma then gets up of the sofa.
Emma, I , just.
I know...
Your getting married. OMG IM SO HAPPY!
You are?!
Are you kidding me, of course I'm happy for you.
Omg Regina I'm so glad that my maid of honour is happy for me.
Your what?
Well I was going to ask you will...
They jump around in excitement then hug.
I'm so happy for you Emma.
I wish I could be that happy.
Why are you not?
Well it the whole thing of we can't tell anyone, and we are going to have to hide our wedding from everyone. And then when we are married I can't change my name at college, or wear my ring, this is why I need your help, what do I do?
Honestly I think this is something you need to talk to Killian about, because I can't help you decide this, but whatever you choose to do I will stand by your side, but for now all we can worry about is not being late for class so we better go.
Oh crap.
They grab their stuff and run out the door and jump in Emma's bug. They get to class with 10 minutes to spare. They find their seats and settle in. A few minutes later Killian comes in with the dean of the school, Mr Nolan.
Morning everyone, as you can see we have a guest in class this morning, Mr Nolan will be watching our class today. So what did I say last week that we would do today, ah yes today we are having a essay prep lesson, here is a help pack that I made up for you all, it includes all the essay questions that you can choose to answer, and each one has a list of books that you can read to help you. So take one and pass it on, we have no one absent do we, no. Ok so about the essays, they count towards half your grade, there are 5 all together each one is 2000 words, pretty simple. There are not 5 different deadlines as long as you hand them in by the next break which correct me if I'm wrong Mr Nolan is in 7 weeks.
Mr Nolan nods in approval.
Great, so you have 7 weeks to do 5 essays. Now with the questions some are harder then others, they are split in too 2 lists, list A are the easier ones and list B are the harder ones, so with that said you can't just do 5 easy ones, you can either do 3 easy and 2 hard or 3 hard and 2 easy, it's your choice. Any questions?
Killian looks around to see if anyone want to ask a question.
Ok then, all the books in the lists can either be found in the library or you can buy them online, so no excuses, and if you can't afford a book and there is not a copy in the library as someone already has it you can always ask me as I have quite a few of these books and I will loan it to you. There is a sign up sheet on the door for individual essay prep and I will be doing group prep for each question. So if you struggle with essays please sign up, I don't want anyone to fail my class. Ok well if there are no further questions I believe that's all for today, go and get started on these essays.
With that said everyone leaves, Emma avoids giving Killian any funny looks, she just said talks to Regina. They go back to Regina's apartment.
Why do you think the Dean was there today?
Well clearly he knows about me and Killian, otherwise why else would he be there?
Maybe he was seeing how Killian teaches?
No he knows, oh god and now we are engaged this is gonna be even harder.
Em you have got to calm down. Wait to hear from Killian, he will explain.
I guess so, look I have to go home and see if Killian is home, I need to see what's wrong.
Ok Emma, if you need me I'll be here if you need me.
Thanks Gina bye bye.
They hug and Emma goes and gets in her bug, she drives home thinking about Killian and what possibly could have happened, had someone seen them together? Who could have seen them? When could they have been seen? So many questions and all she wanted to do was be at home with Killian.
"What has happened to him, maybe he has been fired? Oh god what have I done to him, I'm such a horrible person, nothing good ever happens when dating me."
She pulled up to the house and didn't see Killian's car she went inside and waited for him, she was asleep by the time her got in.

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