I gotta face it.

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It's been 2 days since Emma spoke with her parents, after that night she went to bed and hasn't left her room since. Robin practically moved in after that night, Killian is very grateful as he cannot always be at home with Emma. Robin is just coming down the stairs with a tray of untouched food as Killian comes in from work.
I take it she hasn't eaten again?
Nope she doesn't want a thing, if you don't mind me asking, and please don't go in to details, how is she when your in there with her?
She just lays in the same spot all night, I talk to her but nothing, I try to kiss her and nothing, she is just laying there.
What are we going to do?
I have no clue mate, I wanna be able to talk to her but she just won't give anything.
I know mate, to be honest this isn't the first time she has been like this.
She went through something like this when mum and dad died.
Really? How long did it go on for?
It was hard to tell, it was all one big blur when they died, all I know is she came round in her own time.
Well it's a good job I'm her fiancé.
Why's that?
Well when she is ready to come downstairs and carry on I can help her catch up seeing as I taught the lesson.
I guess that's a plus.
Anyway, how are you with all this mate.
Honestly I don't know.
What do you mean?
Well I've always known that Emma wasn't my biological sister and one day her parents may come back, but as we got older I just started to forget, and now they are back its all real again and it reminds me that we are not biologically related, and that kills me, I really do love and see her as my little sister, and the fact she is hurting and i can't help because I have no idea how she feels, it's killing me mate.
I'm sorry mate.
I know everyone has problems but when I have problems and people say, I know how you feel, it really pisses me of, they don't know how I feel, why say it.
I know how you feel mate.
Robin looks at Killian and starts laughing
Thanks mate, I'm really glad she has you.
Thanks mate. Right better make some dinner, we have to eat.
They start making dinner. As they are cooking they hear someone coming down the stairs.
Is that you love?
She comes in to the kitchen.
Yeah it's me. I wanted to come down, but I need to say please don't ask me how I am and please don't act like I'm fragile, just treat me like you normally would.
Alright milady, would you like some dinner, we are cooking.
Well Killian's cooking I'm just wearing and apron and drinking beer.
The two of them manage to make Emma laugh.
So what you cooking?
Yeah Killian what are you cooking?
I'm making roast chicken.
Smell yummy babe.
Yeah baby smells amazing.
Emma walks up to Robin and takes his beer.
I think that's enough beer for you today.
Yeah maybe.
They all laugh. They enjoy the rest of the night, they eat their dinner and have a wonderful night. They are all now in the living room drinking wine.
I need to talk to them again don't i?
It's your choice love.
What do you think Robin?
I agree with Killian, it's up to Em.
As much as I want to stay and help tho I need to go back to my flat and get some clothes and shower and stuff, but I will be back later and we can sit and do what ever.
Ok see ya in a bit bro.
Robin leaves the house. Emma finishes her wine then sits back on the sofa with her legs crossed staring at her fiancé who is still drinking.
Yes love.
After all this, do you still want to marry me?
He puts his drink on the table and moves closer to Emma.
Emma, I want nothing more then to marry you.
Of course, I love you Emma Swan, and I will always love you, no amount of family issues will stop that.
I love you too Killian.
Now I need to ask you a question.
Are you scared of letting your birth parents in because of the parents that raised you?
Honestly. I'm crushed.
Come on, talk to me about it love.
Well when I was little I would always talk to mom and dad about my wedding. And when they died I was crushed that my dad wasn't going to be able to walk me down the isle. And now I have another set of parents turn up and I hate it, I can't deprive David of walking his daughter down the isle and Mary-Margaret the excitement of helping her daughter get ready for the wedding but I know I won't have my  mom and dad there with me although I'll have my birth parents there, it's just, I don't know. I miss my mom and dad so much.
She breaks down crying in Killian's arms.
Shhhhh love. Come on, let it all out.
I can't believe they will not be at my wedding.
Hang on love. They will.
No not my biological ones my real ones.
Emma they will be at your wedding. As long as their memory stays alive in your heart they will always be with you, and I bet they will be so proud and happy, seeing their beautiful little girl get married.
You mean that?
Of course, I do, and I can tell you for a fact they will be there. They will probably be with my mum.
They smile at each other.
There's the smile I fell in love with.
She leans in and kisses him.
Thank you Killian. I think I should talk to them, I could start to have a relationship with them and see where it goes.
If that's what you want love.
I think I do. But right now I just wanna relax on this sofa in the arms of the man I love.
She lays with Killian, she leans on his chest whilst he stokes her head, she slowly drifts off to sleep.

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