I do Mr Jones.

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Today is the day. After all the preparation, the planning, everything, the day has finally come that Killian Jones and Emma Swan get married. Emma, Regina and Mary-Margaret are all at Emma and Killian's house getting ready, whilst Killian, Colin, Robin, David and Roland are at Robins place.

[start of the day at Emma's house]

Is she ok?
I think it's morning sickness.
Oh god, I don't cope well with vomit.
Emma comes out the bathroom.
Well I no longer eat bagels.
Oh god.
Right we better get you ready, your getting married in a few hours.
What should we do first hair or make-up.
I know, I'll do the hair and Regina you do her make-up.
Ok Mary.
Ok Emma let's sit you down and get you made-up.

[start of the day at Robins]

Killian wake up, your gonna be late for your bloody wedding, David mate can you sort out my sons suit whilst I go wake up that lazy git.
No problem, come on Roland let's get you ready for aunty Emma's wedding.
Robin walks in to the spare room.
Killian Jones wake up!
He grumbles.
Right that's it.
He leaves the room and comes back with a bucket of water and pours it over him
You didn't wake up.
You left me no choice, I didn't want you keeping my sister waiting. Now get up and shower then come down and eat.

[back at Emma's]

Oh Emma you look beautiful.
Yeah Emma.
Thanks guys.
She hugs them.
Oh god I'm gonna cry.
Carful you will ruin your make up and you will make up cry to.
Ok, let's get the dress on.
It's in the other room.
I'll go get it.
Thanks Regina.
Regina leaves the room.
Thanks for the help today.... Mom.
Mary-Margaret starts to cry.
Oh Emma. I wouldn't want to miss this for the world.
She hugs her daughter. Regina comes back in.
Here we go. One dress.
Hang on I need to pee first. Why don't you get your dresses on guys? While I pee.
Oh we have to get ready too, I forgot about that, I was so worried about sorting out Emma.
Well we only have to worry abou our make-up and dresses so let's get our dresses on then when we have done Emma's dress we can do our make-up.
Ok let's do it.
The girls get their dresses on. They then sort out Emma and her dress.
She is missing something.
Her veil!
I knew something was missing. Right let's get that on you.
Oh Emma you look perfect.
And so do you two, just maybe it's time to do your make-up, we have 20 minutes to the car gets here.
The girls hurry to get ready so they can get to the church in time.

[meanwhile at Robins]

Ok so our suits are done, hairs done, shoes are shined.
Yeah all ready.
Even Roland looks dapper.
Yeah I do.
Are we all ready?
Yeah mate.
Oh wait Killian do you have your vows and Robin do you have the rings?
Yeah they are in my pocket.
I knew I forgot something.
Don't worry Killian I picked them up for you, here they are.
Thanks dad.
Right let's go get you married.

Everyone is on their way to the church. Killian, Robin and Colin all go inside, Colin sits down whilst Killian and Robin stand at the front, David takes Roland to go and find the girls. He finds them in a room out the back.
Aunty Emma.
Hey little guy, you look awsome.
Thank you, you look like a princess.
Aww thank you buddy.
He is right Emma you look beautiful.
Thanks. We best get Going.
I'll go take a seat.
Come on Roland we have an isle to walk down.
Ok Regina.
Regina takes Roland's hand and they leave the room. Emma grabs David's arm and they follow, Roland walks down the isle first and goes to join his mum. Regina goes down the isle and stand at the front, there is a sudden change in music and everyone stands Killian stares at the door Emma will be walking through.
Ready... Dad.
He grabs her hand.
As ready as I'll ever be.
They walk through the door and walk down the isle. Mary-Margaret starts to cry. Neal, Graham, Ruby and Cora are all so happy, which makes Emma smile as her friends are there watching her get married. They get to Killian. David gives Emma a kiss on the cheek and goes to join his wife.
Swan you look.
I know, as do you.
The service goes on.
The couple have written their own vows. Emma would you like to go first?
She turns to look at Killian.
Mr Jones, just for the record you are by far the greatest teacher I ever had.
Everyone giggles.
But seriously. Killian you are not only the love of my life but you are my best friend, you have been there for me when I needed you, I am so glad I have you in my life and now I get to start a family with you. I never thought I'd be able to be truly happy again, but when you came into my life I realised I could be. Your are my world, my fairytale ending, my once upon a time. I love you Killian Jones.
By the end of the speech Emma is crying and so are most of the women.
Killian you may now read your vows.
He grabs Emma's hand.
Emma, the moment I walked in to that lecture room that day I knew there was something about you, I knew I had to get to know you. When I finally did get to know you I realised what that something was, I was so madly in love with you. I never thought I would meet a woman like you, your smart, beautiful, funny, you are everything I could ever want, and more. I don't know what I did to deserve a woman like you, but I am so happy that you chose me. I will never regret making you my first mate. I will love you till the very end Swan, your my happy ending.
The ceremony carries on.
By the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride.

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