Making plans

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It's has been a couple months since Emma agreed to start seeing her parents and found out she was pregnant. No one knows yet as she has been able to hide it. Killian is out with his dad, David and Robin suit shopping for them all, Emma was at home planning a romantic night in with Killian to tell him about her pregnancy. She had dinner prepared all she had to do was put it in the oven. She was in her room looking in the mirror with no top on holding her tummy. She started to talk to her tummy.
Hey kid, I can't believe you are in there, and I can't wait to see you in 6 months, I had my first scan the other day and got to see you, your so small, I heard your little heartbeat and nearly cried. Today is the day I finally tell your daddy that your in there.
Your pregnant?
As she was talking Killian had come in and was standing behind her. She turns around and looks at him.
How long have you been standing there?
I asked you first.
She looks down and holds her stomach whilst Killian walks up to her.
We're gonna have a baby?
She looks up at him
Yes. Are you mad?
Am I mad?
He puts his hands on her tummy.
I couldn't be more happy love.
He hugs her.
I am so happy, I'm gonna be a dad, why didn't you tell me sooner.
I didn't want to get your hopes up until I knew properly.
Oh love. Your just amazing you know that.
I know.
Emma puts on a jumper and Killian sits on the bed.
You do know this means we will have to bring the wedding forward.
That's no problem seeing as you have most of it planned.
We have everything except Regina's dress and my dress.
Well i suggest you get shopping love.
We are going tomorrow.
Brilliant. Well tonight is time to celebrate that my wife to be is carrying my child.
I love you Killian.
I love you too Emma.
They kiss. Emma then gets up and takes Killian downstairs, she shows him what she is preparing for dinner, they have a lovely night. They have dinner then snuggle up in bed watching films. Emma then falls asleep in Killian's arms. The next day Emma is waiting for Regina and Mary-Margaret so they can go dress shopping.
What are you doing today Killian?
Well I'm having a beer with David and Robin.
Are they coming here?
Yeah they will be here in a bit.
Oh ok, I might aswell tell them all about the baby.
Perfect, I think I can hear a car pulling up maybe it's them.
Someone knocks at the door.
I'll get it love.
He opens the door to Robin and Regina.
Hello mate.
Alright Killian.
Hello love.
Hi Killian.
Come in she is in the kitchen.
As Killian is about to shut the door he sees David and Mary-Margaret pull up.
Alright you two.
Hi Killian.
How are you?
I'm great thanks, come in, Emma Regina and Robin are in the kitchen.
They all go in to the kitchen, Emma, Regina and Robin are already having a laugh about the wedding.
Hi Emma.
Hey, how are you both?
We are good how are you?
I'm great, I actually need to tell you all something before we go dress shopping.
What is it Em?
Well we have decided to bring the wedding forward.
Oh wow well that's makes dress shopping even more important today then.
So why have you decided to bring the wedding forward?
We had a talk and we think it will make things easier.
Yeah I mean with the baby and all.
Every one looks at them in shock.
What did you just say?
Well we have to move the wedding forward because it will be a bit hard to plan a wedding after I've had a baby.
Your pregnant?
Yeah, I didn't know how to say it so I thought I'd just drop it in to conversation.
They all get up and go a cuddle Emma and Killian.
This is huge.
I'm glad your all happy.
We are more then happy Em.
Aww my besties having a baby.
Regina, Emma and Mary-Margaret start crying in joy.
So when are you due.
In 6 months.
Oh wow we really have to get everything sorted then.
We better get going then to sort out these dresses, these are the last things that need doing right?
Yeah after these dresses are bought then that a its. I think.
Don't worry sweetie I can't help you go over everything if you want.
I'd love that. Thank you.
Your welcome.
The girls get going as they have to get to the mall, the guys stay home and drink. When the girls get to the mall the decide to get Regina's dress first. She tries on what seems like 30 dresses as Emma just can't decide on what colour. In the end she decides on a baby blue, strapless, chiffon prom style dress with a sweetheart neckline, she decided to get her silver heels and silver accessorise. Next they go shopping for Emma's dress, again she tries on about 50 dresses and she loves them all.
So what style do you like Emma?
I think a big puffy princess dress will be best seeing as I'll be nearly 5 months pregnant. So maybe mermaid style will end up being a bit tight on my stomach.
Yeah thats a point.
Honestly sweetie I liked the 5th one you tried on.
Oh yeah that one looked amazing on you.
Ok I'll go put that one back on.
She returns to the dressing room to put the dress on, she comes out in a perfectly white, princess ball gown, the bodice is covered in diamonds with a sweetheart neckline, and the bottom, which is layers upon layers of tulle, has thousands of Swarovski crystals on them. All three of the girls start to cry.
Ok this is the one.
Emma you look breath taking.
Killian won't be able to keep his eyes off you Em.
This is it I have to get it.

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