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    "What the-" The man that had caught me set me down. "Stand back."

     He looked sarcastic. Like the boy in school that all the girls would have crushes on. Black hair, bright gray eyes, perfect hair and teeth. He would've been the perfect boy for most girls, basically I hated him. The man that had attacked me had arrived. His face, brown hair and green eyes, was hovering over the pit that I'd fallen into.

     My protector stood next to me at the bottom.  He held a strange black pistol in his hands.

     "Brayden," he cocked to gun. "Leave."

     "Oh little brother, you always were such a good little soldier. Indigo, sweetheart come up here, NOW." He ordered me. Seeing that he wasn't getting anywhere with me, he tried again. "Come with me, Indigo, we can remake the world without the image of our fathers before us."

     "Yeah nice offer, but why would I go with you? I mean, the near-black eyes, the teeth?" My eyes brimmed with tears, thinking of the servant's mangled bodies in the cupboard. The boy beside me looked generally surprised.

     "Wait, you-" "Became one of his? Yes, quite naturally as well." He sighed. "Really, Indigo, if you insist on being difficult, don't think that I won't be back for you."

     With that, he was gone. the man next to me put his gun away. "Woah, woah, woah, but won't he come back here?" I rambled.

     "It's warded against his  kind." He seemed to have to spit the last words out. "If he could, he would have already."

     "So what's your name, then? Or do I have to keep calling you, you?" I questioned. "The name's Lucas, but if I were you, I'd be a lot more worried about my life than some guy's name." With that, he grabbed his backpack off of the ground.

     "Follow me."

     We walked for quite a while until we came to a ladder. There was an odd symbol on the ground below it. I followed Lucas up the ladder through a manhole of sorts.

     Above the ground, there was a black range rover. There it was again, that strange symbol.  It was printed on the roof of the car. The engine started up.

     "Where are we going?" "We're getting your suitcase. I can't have you walking into headquarters wearing a dress."

     Within ten minutes, I'd gotten my suitcase and messenger bag from the mansion, silently promising my parents that I would find them.

     "So are you going to explain to me what's going on ?" He laughed, "Anxious to lose your free will?" I stared at him waiting for him to start explaining.

     "Fine, where should I start," He stopped to think. "When you were born, your mother was in debt. She needed money, pretty desperately. So she sold you away to be experimented on."

    "My mother's terrible, but I don't think that she wold ever-" "Your mother never wanted children, to her, you were only a source of usefulness or profit." "Thanks."

     I of course had never known that, but looking back, I guess it made sense. Now, I couldn't believe that I hadn't seen it sooner.

     "Sorry, but it's true. Now do you want me to continue or not?" I shut my mouth.  "The people she sold you too, they dosed you with what we call the Amethyst serum. It gives you abilities, beyond human capacity. Has anything happened to you lately?"

    "What is that supposed to mean?" I questioned. "Anything even the least bit out of the ordinary?"

     I thought about it, and getting caught in the moment I began to shake my head. Then I felt stupid, my dreams.

    "Well I had a dream, and its came true. Does that count?" "So like a premonition?" "Yeah, I guess." "Well then, sure sign that you're an Amethyst. I live and work at Headquarters, which is in Ely, Minnesota. We call ourselves The Humanity. We collect as many Amethysts as we can before the other side can get to them. If we lose them, they become so twisted beyond recognition, that their own parents wouldn't know who they were."

     "So, bad?" I guessed. "Very. Midnight, their ruler, sort of, got to my brother before The Humanity could. That's why..." He trailed off.

     "Your brother was an Amethyst, so are you?" "We don't know, the signs haven't come yet." He responded. "You're lying. Why?" I commented.

     He seemed surprised. "An Amethyst with more than one ability? No..." His face seemed to be in awe. "What?" "Being able to tell if someone is lying, it's an ability." "So what does it mean?"

     He responded by throwing a hunting knife at me. I felt the same fear from earlier, and the knife froze in midair.

     "What the heck?!" I screamed at him. I couldn't believe that he'd just tried to stab me. "I can't believe it, I found you."

     "What? Why am I special, or different, or whatever? I'm just a journalist from Olympia!"

     "Not anymore. You're the one, the Amethyst leader. No wonder Brayden wanted you so badly." "Why would they want me, what could I even do for them?"

     "The want to remake the world, with your powers, it could go a lot quicker, less death on their side, more on ours." "I would never help them. Do they honestly think that kidnapping my parents would win them any points with me?"

     He chuckled, "Well, that's good news for me. Midnight and his hounds won't know what hit them." "Is that what your brother is? A hound?"

     "A hound, yes. Or at least he's becoming one. I'm pretty sure he can still become a human form, if needed. That must have been what you saw tonight. I didn't think that he would go this far, but I guess I mustn't have really known him that well." He sighed.

     I would've felt bad, but at that moment, a burst of white hot pain shot through the marks that Brayden had left on my back. The fire tore through my body. I cried out in agony, and curled into a ball, trying anything to stop the poison running across my skin.

     Lucas's head snapped over. My hearing was so cloudy I could've been submerged in water. Even still, I heard him scream, "Indigo!!!"


Wazzup? The media is that weird symboly thingy. Again, don't have anything to say.
-AJ Smith

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