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The next few days were spent with Lucas drilling the Humanity's books into my brain. Everything about The Humanity became stuck in my mind. The leaders didn't want me introduced to their people as an innocent, naive little girl. I was to be shown to them in three days, and since I was the Amethyst leader, there would be a huge ceremony, which I wasn't very happy about.

That would also be the day that I would finally meet the others like me, my real family. The Humanity had found six(including me) of the ten Amethyst ever born. I'd had to learn everything before my arriving.

"...in conclusion, you have to kill Midnight, or we'll all pay for his actions." I exhaled sharply, "Is that it?" I'd just been lectured for days on end, and we'd just finished skimming over my very exciting new book collection.

"Not quite. The director wants me to train you physically as well. C'mon go get changed. We have work to do."

Stifling a groan, I rolled off of the couch and bounded up the stairs to my room. I threw on some leggings and pulled my hair into a high ponytail. Quickly glancing at my appearance, I ran down stairs to the training room. I spent the rest of my day throwing knives and shooting arrows and bullets at dummies while Lucas watched my progress and nodded every time I hit the bulls eye.


It was my last day of training before my ceremony. I woke up early to get dressed. Hearing a beeping that came from my earpiece, I pressed a button to let Lucas know that he could come up. I rushed downstairs just as I heard the elevator ding, signalling his arrival on my level.

"Come with me, there's something that you should see." I followed him back to the elevator where Lucas swiped a key card over the glass panel that covered the door. We only seemed to ascend about two levels before the cart stopped.

When we got out, we were on the roof of the building. I gaped at just how beautiful it all was, the underground base. The belly of the dragon. There was a small platform raised off the ground in the center of the roof. Four glass runways stood off to each side of it. The elevator car stood kitty corner to the platform.

"What is this place?" I wondered out loud. All four runways stretched as far away as I could see, no matter how I craned my neck to see.

"This is where all the Amethyst come to practice their skills." Lucas said. "We'll all end up practicing together here, probably soon." Only then did I notice the cages. I didn't know why, but they all filled me with cold dread.

"What are those?" I asked warily, pointing to them. "Hm?" He turned in the direction of the enclosures.

"Oh, these? Just monsters we've captured for you to practice against. Occasionally, we get a hound or two in here."

"Oh," I swallowed down the lump that had settled in my throat.

"This is yours, here." He handed me the keycard. "Tomorrow, you'll get a training schedule from headquarters," He turned, but doubled back. "You can stay up here as long as you want." He turned back to the elevator again.

"Lucas?" I stopped him. "Yeah?" "You'll be with me tomorrow, during the speech, I mean. Won't you?" He smiled.

"Why wouldn't I?"
HEY GUYS! Sup? Well I'm fanfreakintastic! The media is kinda what HQ looks like from the roof.😐
   Allons-y! My friends!!!


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