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I charged out of my blackened room and past the open kitchen door where Midnight and the hounds were sitting.

"Indigo?" Zachariah rose from the table, having seen the angered look on my face. I assumed the rest of the hounds and Midnight had probably convinced him to stay back, for no one seemed to be following me. I stormed past the wailing prisoners and to the girls' cell, a low growl rising in my throat. As the door opened, the lights clicked on, but this time it didn't bother me because of the darkness that covered my eyes. Robin and Portia quickly woke up at my entrance. I unlocked Portia's chains from across the room and threw her body against the wall, holding her up with an invisible hand while I raged in my way over to her.

"How did he find us?" I yelled, squeezing my fingers together so she couldn't breathe. I'd lost all sense of logic, not even remembering that they didn't know about my dream at all. She mouthed that she didn't know, which I honestly knew she didn't, but I really didn't care. All I needed was to take out my frustration on someone else.

I let her fall to the ground gasping for air. I screamed in frustration and the door shut simultaneously as Robin's cuffs shattered into pieces. Robin immediately set off towards Portia, scampering as quickly as she could across the grimy, cement floor. I turned in time to see her and threw her against the wall, a crack echoing out. I could've gone further and injured her more, but I stopped. I wouldn't kill her, at least not before I had some fun.

I screamed and laughed, the lines blurring together in my fit of madness. I picked up a scalpel and began to rip apart their flesh in every place that wouldn't end their pathetic lives.

"Trust me, girls," I offered them a crazed smile as the floor and I both began getting soaked in blood, "You aren't going anywhere, not while I'm here." A few seconds went by, but the only sound I could hear was the slash of the blade and my own psychotic laughing. I looked down and suddenly realized that both of the girls were laying on the floor in front of me, nearly passed out. I looked down at the knife in my fingertips and wiped the blood off with my other hand.

"I don't know what the Amethyst find so interesting about you anyways," I wiped some of the blood off my cheek, "I just think you're kind of, I don't know, messy." I looked back to their bodies.

"Like I said," I sighed, "You're not going anywhere so long as I'm here." A small voice echoed from behind me.

"Then don't be here anymore." I whirled around to see Sophie wielding a small pistol in her pale, shaking hands. I shook my head and glared at her through the drying redness on my face.

"I knew you weren't truly one of Midnight's," I saw Robin open her eyes and nudge Portia. No. I needed to get rid of Sophie as soon as possible. If they thought they had a chance against me, they would take it and as much as I hated them, I thought they could still be useful, so killing them was unnecessary.

"You're right," Sophie said blatantly, "And I never want to be."

In the next second, there was a blaring pain in my right shoulder, and my feet had flown out from under me. My skull hit the floor, an awful pain coming from the back of my head. I stared up at the ceiling in shock. I'd never been shot before, and I'd always assumed that I wouldn't be. Sophie's face came into view above my head and she bent down to whisper to me.

"For your sake, I hope that Lucas was right. I really do hope that they can save you." She exited my vision. What? How did she know what Lucas had said? That had been a dream, she couldn't have possibly known. I quickly realized that it didn't matter right now as the bullet in my shoulder gave me a painful reminder of its presence. I winced and decided to just listen to them for now. I heard the distinct light tone of Sophie's voice over the throbbing in the nape of my neck.

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