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     Midnight was nothing like I'd been told. He treated me like his own, though I'd defied him for so long. I kept the girls locked in their cell while I enjoyed the feeling of my new home. I even had my own room here, concealed in the cell in the very middle of the jail. The bars of the cell had been draped with translucent, black lace that shut out the rest of the Hounds as well as Midnight if I needed to be alone to plan anything. A bed with forest green sheets that matched my eyes stood in the middle, surrounded by assorted pillows and beanbags. After I finished examining my room, I began to make my way downstairs to eat with my real family. However, Zachariah warned me to change clothes as I reached the main hallway.

     "It gets cold in here," he smirked at me.

     "Thank you for your concern," I turned back down the hall, but halted, "But I don't appreciate the sarcasm, Zachariah," I sent a wave of pain through him and he collapsed to the floor.

     Returning to my room and throwing open the closet, I found a sea of clothing awaiting me. I quickly threw on a longer, warmer shirt and some black leather boots before running back down the hall and into the dining rom. The room was what looked to have been the prison's kitchen. It had probably been dilapidated before, but now it was refurnished with a grand, dark oak table that took up most of the space. The walls had been repainted a glossy brown and were covered in assorted candle holders that lit the room with a dark glow.

"Hey," I called out as I entered. Five faces stared up at me, three with boredom, one with anxiety, and the last with excitement.

"Come, sit!" Midnight instructed. He grinned, motioning for me to sit at the head of the gigantic table. I took my place as what seemed to be invisible servants carried in trays of different foods. Then I realized it was Midnight, playing with the air currents. All the hounds perked up at the sight of all the food. The silver carts stopped alongside the table and everyone dished themselves.

"What is that?" I scrunched up my nose and pointed at a mysterious white cookie-shaped object.

"What?" Erin eyed me cautiously, like I was something dangerous that she'd never seen before-something new and not necessarily good. I pointed again to get my point across. Then, she laughed. Not a cruel laugh, an actual nice one, like she was enjoying herself.

The tension in the room broke as we all joined in the laughter; it was contagious

"You mean to tell me-" she stopped for a breath, "-that you've never had a merengue before?" I glanced it over.

     "Is that what it's called?" Erin just chuckled at my puzzled face. Brayden caught my glance, with his arms crossed and sour face. He must have been jealous of the attention Erin was giving me. The tension seeped back from the cracks in the walls. I knew though, as leader, that she could give me all the attention that she wanted to.

     "If you don't like it," I gave Brayden a death glare, "then leave." If I was to be the leader, I was going to have to take charge. Red crept onto Brayden's cheeks.

     "I-" For once, he was at a loss for words.

     "Excuse me," he muttered, standing before exiting the room.

     "I should go," Erin whispered, "to go see if he's okay." I rolled my eyes, then gave her a mock smile.

     "You go do that, Miss Nora."

     She looked down, embarrassed of her last name, but ran after Brayden nonetheless, her short, pale blue hair whipping against the back of her head.

     "Brayden? Brayden!" She yelled. I turned my focus to the rest of the hounds. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Sophie and Zachariah's faces. Sophie's sharp blue irises darted around the room, probably looking for the closest exit in case a fight broke out. I tilted my head in her direction.

     "Leave us," I commanded. She seemed surprised to her me address her. Probably she thought that sHe wasn't that important, which I knew she wasn't.

     "W-what?" she stuttered.

     "Out. Now," I glared at her and she excused herself quietly out the door.

     "You as well, Zachariah." He stood clumsily in response to my order, knocking an unused plate to the floor, shattering it. He stood and stared at it, unsure if he should stay and clean it up or just run away.

"Go," I urged him. Zachariah almost tripped over himself in trying to get out, making a slight laugh escape from my lips. Midnight stared on at me.

"Why would you do that, love?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, yes I want you to take control, dear, but not like this- they're afraid of this. Afraid of you." Even as he said it, I knew he was right.

"Why are they afraid? Can't they see I want to help them?" I looked down at the broken plate. Midnight sighed.

"I think they might see it too much, Indigo. You seem like you're willing to do anything to have our side come out on top. And with your power, sweetheart," he gestured to what I was doing: putting the smashed china back together in midair with a slight wave of my fingers, "-wouldn't you be frightened of you as well?" He was correct and I knew it.

"Yeah, you're right," I admitted slowly. "Alright," I turned my attention to him. "I've grown tired of talking about myself. What I want is to know more about you- you're really quite a mystery, you know." He smiled and leaned back in his chair. "I want to know," I paused, looking at his smirk. "Who really is Midnight?"

His smile told me I'd pleased him. "Well for starters," he said sarcastically, "My favorite kind of coffee is hazelnut." I laughed.

"But really," I prompted.

"Glad to see you're finally taking an interest."


Hey Guys!!

Thanks to everyone who's reading this(Yeah, the same old A/N). But really, thank you too everyone.


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